New Year's Eve

We always stay in on New Year's Eve. We prefer it that way.
We always stay in on New Year's Eve. We prefer it that way.

We normally do, too. Some years we go to friends' homes....last night, we stayed in and it was great!
yeah kids went out to sled with dad then we all went out to the resturant. Then i made the huge ice cream sundaes for kiddos and me. so we stayed home. i fell asleep before midnight lol

So happy new year!
What did you do to celebrate?

We had a quiet evening. One of my good friends and her two kids came over so my kids and her kids all played on the Wii while my friend, my hubby, my brother, his girlfriend, my hubby's coworker, and I sat outside in my backyard with a bonfire. Just chatted and drank wine all night.

My poor dog was freaking out with all the fireworks being set off.

***Boring Alert***

I warn you that my evening was very, very boring for most people. I stayed in with a good book, a piece of my Mom's mincemeat pie, and, my doggies. Yeah, I didn't celebrate by going out and getting bombed stupid, but, that's not me. My parents DID go out, but, they were home by midnight and we rang in the new year. We all stayed up incredibly late, but, I enjoyed the time I had with my family. :)

I WILL say my dogs had the same reaction as yours; Shel. The neighbor was letting off firecrackers around midnight, which, the dogs were less than appreciative of. I had to hold one of the puppies because she was quite upset.
I drove to St. Louis to attend a Deaf bash with a hearing friend who is studying ASL. It was a fantastic time, with everybody dancing and getting to know each other. Today my every muscle aches and I am kind of depressed to realize that I have not picked up enough ASL to be on the same level with so many others. It was bittersweet, and my friend was completely blown away by the experience. Happy New Year, everyone.
We had a very quiet night. I was online for a while, but was in bed and asleep by 11pm. Hubby and family were awakened by the fireworks and one spot of our yard caught fire. It got put out and the police took away the 8 y/o who tossed the firecracker in the yard. He had wrapped it in paper wanting to see what Santa would do. I slept through it. Man, there are times when being deaf is a blessing. :giggle:
Were out with group of hearing friends at a friend's house and we all had great time, laughed so much, teasing the new couple etc and we all played games/dares, did a great cook out then opened the curtians to eat and watch the fire works in the warmth. watched london New year countdown on TV then watched films on tv, talking etc until about 4.30 am where I fell asleep on the sofa (i worked all day!!) Boris, my dog, came with me, he was unfazed by the fireworks and was fast asleep by my feet.
I stay home with my furkid who loves to be with me 24/7. LOL
Glad you all had a nice time. :)

Yesterday, I joined Frs and the group to attend the mass with Cardinal Sean O'Malley. Music & Speaker, Holy Hour with Adoration, and social with light dinner & refreshments. We heard that the fire works outside of the church in North End, Boston during the mass hours. I got home very, very late around 3:30pm. I had a great time.
I slept in most of the day, with my kitty. I am lazy. :lol:

Happy New Year, everyone!

For the most part, I babysat a 3 year old while everyone else played apples to apples. Which I don't mind much these days. Ate pizza, played video games, drank a bit, made some posts, texts. Everyone was asleep by 11.

I liked this a lot more than what had happened last year in SF.
I finished work at 7pm and we went to Macca's for take away dinner. Got home. Ate our dinner and I think we watched TV, read book and I used laptop.

It was a very hot day.

My cat was more clingy than usual that night.

Oh yeah, we figured out that we have been wrong in how old my cat is! :)
My hubby and I stayed home and watched some shows. Then my hubby got tired and went to bed before midnight. I had Eggnog to celebrate the New Year's Eve. I gave my hubby a kiss when I tried to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to him. He responded to me. So that was good. Then my hubby woke up and we stayed up until 4:30 in the morning watching the movie called "Good Will Hunting". Wow, the movie is really good and I like it a lot and so is my hubby too.

I did not go to the New Year's Day for the Powwow celebration this year. First time. My hubby was not feeling good and want me to stay home with him. I don't mind. Next year, I hope to attend the Powwow for New Year's Day in 2012. :fingersx:
New Year's Day kinda sucked. Took my daughter to the airport to board her so she can go back to my wonderful ex hubby. I was emotionally ok until a man who apparently was boarding his two children to Phx started bawling uncontrollably after his kids and my daughter boarded which affected me. I started bawling and was so depressed for 2 hours. I went to the food store and rented a movie and got a lottery ticket. Got a good movied and won $5 from a $1 ticket.

I miss my daughter already but life sucks so i gotta move on.
My hubby and I stayed home and watched some shows. Then my hubby got tired and went to bed before midnight. I had Eggnog to celebrate the New Year's Eve. I gave my hubby a kiss when I tried to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to him. He responded to me. So that was good. Then my hubby woke up and we stayed up until 4:30 in the morning watching the movie called "Good Will Hunting". Wow, the movie is really good and I like it a lot and so is my hubby too.

I did not go to the New Year's Day for the Powwow celebration this year. First time. My hubby was not feeling good and want me to stay home with him. I don't mind. Next year, I hope to attend the Powwow for New Year's Day in 2012. :fingersx:

That is a great movie!

I bet they missed you at the Powwow.
New Year's Day kinda sucked. Took my daughter to the airport to board her so she can go back to my wonderful ex hubby. I was emotionally ok until a man who apparently was boarding his two children to Phx started bawling uncontrollably after his kids and my daughter boarded which affected me. I started bawling and was so depressed for 2 hours. I went to the food store and rented a movie and got a lottery ticket. Got a good movied and won $5 from a $1 ticket.

I miss my daughter already but life sucks so i gotta move on.

Hugs, shel. And congrats on those lottery winnings.:P
I got goofy as fuck at a friend's house.
We wake up all night for dancing and drinking its really fun, I am a college guy so don't have to do much I just enjoy my new years eve with my college buddies and ya with my GF also. Thanks
Just went to a friends with about 10 people and twice the amount of wine lol and played apples to apples it was a good time!