My husband and I are thinking about set a party at our house. Our friends live close by our house ( can walk to their home) .
Staying home...maybe soak in my hot tub with my hubby at midnight with candles burning around us.
this sounds better to me than anything else posted so far! but my tub isn't big enough
Are you going to New Year's Eve parties? If not, how will you celebrate New Year's?
New Year's Eve doesn't really interest me. We'll just stay home. I prefer New Year's Day. We watch the Rose Parade on TV, and then the HGTV Dream House (this year it's in Key West, in my seacoast style, and I want to win it, heh, heh). We might do a catfish cook out that day and invite some friends.
I guess that's why they call it a "dream" house.LOL small world we think alike! I always watch that too and I love HGTV dream house to try to win it! I do this every year to sign up the applications but it not easy getting pick to win but it worth to sign up to win a dream house heee! HGTV is one of my fave show.