Your website that what I agreed with Illustrator said. First of all, what purpose you using that too many heart icons, java and seem not correct section for language codes. For exampe, your source codes are too meanies to browser read all those languages and hard working. Why not set one group for javascript, CSS, and HTML to be easier for browser? Beside, get rid of that silly:
:::: Website Designed and Developed by: Byron & Valerie Burgess ::::
:::: All code is copyrighten, you are not authorize to use any ::::
:::: code in part or in full without the express writen ::::
:::: approval by Byron and/or Valerie Burgess prior to use. ::::
:::: Date: 05/27/2003 ::::
:::: Copyright 2003 ::::
Also.. the table design doesn't look right to me at all because should be equal and looks better instead leave this mess. Also I have notice that you are using link from outside and link into this website aren't you?? The video.. it loading too long, you should made small text message and have little picture to see more animation or clip movie for visitor enable click and open the new small browser. So that way won't bore to stare at their monitor, if they are using dail up. Beside that your website can or possible crash the visitor's computer and might not come back due too much confusing for their slow computer due not upgrading or something. Not need to put copyright for language because you didn't investing the browser programmar unless if you create your own program for loading language for website handle that information then that different. I better stop because I don't want sound too picky on your website..