New Video on using rewards with pets


New Member
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,
Here is a video Jessie and I made to help people improve training techniques. It focusses on dog training but the same techniques can be applied to any pet-horse, cat, rabbit, hamster, even fish! its the first video ina series of 9 I am making.
It is close captioned and when I cue or click, that is shown right on the page as it happens.

9 Habits of Effective Clicker Trainers
Part 1 Using Rewards
[ame=]YouTube - 9 Habits of Effective Clicker Trainers Part 1 Using Rewards[/ame]

If you want to see the rest as they are created, feel free to subscribe or bookmark the playlist.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Hi! Are you a deaf person who is a dog trainer? I'm just wondering because I m doing a french ring with my malinois. :D
Hi! Are you a deaf person who is a dog trainer? I'm just wondering because I m doing a french ring with my malinois. :D
Neither, I'm a people trainer. LOL!
Seriously! I help people train their own service dogs.

French Ring looks similar to Schutzhund! But I don't know anything about training for that! My brother gave it a go with his GSD but now is into herding. Cool videos. Very well-trained dogs!
