New Upcoming Games


May 23, 2003
Reaction score
What new upcoming games would you love to get your grubby fingers on?

For me it's Fable III and Epic Mickey.. CANT wait!!! :hyper:
GT5. That's it. :) Okay, maybe can get Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit later. :)
GT5 for many many months. Looking forward to the re-mastered Shadow of the Colossus and the new Last Guardian coming out next year. Maybe CoD, but MW2 seriously ate up my life this past year lol. Maybe FIFA.
I'm looking forward on "Kong Donkey Country Return" on Wii. I already make pre-order :)
Fable 3 (PC), Fallout New Vegas (PC), NFS Hot Pursuit (PC) and few games.
What new upcoming games would you love to get your grubby fingers on?

For me it's Fable III and Epic Mickey.. CANT wait!!! :hyper:

I cant wait until Far Cry 3, Duke Nukem Forever and Crysis 2 are out. I will be all over them like white on rice :)
You guys don't forget about Kollection HD, Rachet N Clank in 4 in One Pack, Persia of Sand Collection HD, Ico and Shadows of Colossus collection in 2011, too. Twisted Metal would be my first priority to buy, then Dead Space 2 or Homefront would be my second priority! :D
What new upcoming games would you love to get your grubby fingers on?

For me it's Fable III and Epic Mickey.. CANT wait!!! :hyper:

Everyone knows as 2011 as next year would have many best games of the 2011 years. Expect for those upcoming movies.