I am brand new to this website so please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. i wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name is Heidi. I am a 28 year old year hearing woman from ohio. I am a college junior in psychology. I recently started taking ASL classes as a part of my requirements and immediately upon taking the first class I felt a passion about the Deaf community. We were first taught about the things that deaf people have been through. Being forced to attend hearing school, forced to be oralized things like that. I never knew the efficiency rates of lip reading and never thought about what it would be like if I was deaf until I took this class. I dont really know how to explain how I feel with words other than passionate about making a difference somehow. I am brand new though like I said and I dont have many personal experiences with deaf people firsthand so I come from a point of view of ignorance. But I am dead set on changing that. I have been reading as much as I can get my hands on about the Deaf community. I think its a sad shame that more people dont know about ASL. I think everyone should be able to communicate with each other hearing and Deaf and it only makes sense to me that hearing people should learn ASL. So now I have become an advocate of sorts when it comes to this concept. I read someones personal story on here about attending Thanksgiving with the family and none of the family knew ASL so therefore the person was always left out. I can not explain the feelings this brought out in me. This is 2009 and people are still being left out like that. I have a billion questions about the Deaf community and such if anyone would like to help me out. Please take into consideration I am brand new to this and not sure of correct terms yet and please do not take offense if I dont word things properly. I want as much knowledge as possible about anything that anyone deems important. My sign language teacher is a Deaf woman who is a former graduate of Gallaudet University who has been teaching me as much as possible but other opinions are valuable to me. She told me that since I am catching on so fast in ASL and I am so fascinated and absorbed by it that I should look into Gallaudet for a prospective graduate school. Which seemed to make sense because I can not explain the passion this brought out in me. I have questions though ( sorry I am rambling) What are the general views of hearing people attending Gallaudet? I dont have any Deaf relatives either I just think it would be a great opportunity to become fluent in ASL and study psychology at the same time. Maybe in the future helping with deaf children. Are there people with negative attitudes towards hearing who want to be a part of the Deaf community? I am not sure how to put into words my mission. I know help is not the word I should be using because Deaf people certainly do not need my help so is advocate a good term to use to explain how I feel? Anyways thank you for taking the time to read my story I know its quite long but I have many questions. If anyone has anything I should know or any resources I should read please let me know. I am dying for as much information as possible.