to AllDeaf forum. I don't know where you live but there will be a State name before the Hearing Society. You might check it out and visit them. They have TDD systems, too along with the public pay phone. Well, anyway hope you have good luck finding someone to give you a TDD call. There is a Relay Service for the Deaf (Bell or Sprint) so if you feel like calling someone who is hearing and don't have TDD. I think you need to let the company know that you are hard of hearing or deaf so that you can have a lower discount for the TDD users. For starter, you can try calling to your family through the relay service. Just dial 711 on the phone and use your receiver on your TDD and you just tell your name and your phone number and give them someone's name and phone number that you are calling to. Hope that work for you. Congradulation on getting your own TDD device. Good luck and have fun reading and posting here. See you around.
Welcome, Richarda. I don't know a lot of deaf people who use TTY/TDD any more. The system was a lot more popular before portable computers, Side Kicks, Blackberries, etc., made mobile e-mail so handy. My sister and I mostly use e-mail and text phones.
Good luck with the communications system that works best for you.