New Signers' Funny Mistakes

The whole meet/f-ck and meet/date confusion seems to be a common one. :giggle:
I meant to say 'to-meet' instead of 'to-date'. It was a simple handshape error. I used the 'd' handshapes instead of the '1' handshape.


Here, "to meet" is done with either the "D" handshape or the "1" handshape - doesn't make any difference. The sign "to date" is simply the sign "to meet", but done repeatedly.
there was a guy i knew who was learning sign and we met some friends who were experienced in sign. Well we exchanged names and one of the women said her sign name was the letter "p" on her cheek.
Well later on this guy was trying to remember her sign name and put the "p" on his nose. That was funny!

thats hilarious thats why I learned all the bad words first so I didn't make an idiot of myself.

Here, "to meet" is done with either the "D" handshape or the "1" handshape - doesn't make any difference. The sign "to date" is simply the sign "to meet", but done repeatedly.
here we just have two d handshapes meet simply but thats a date a least repeated I suppose could mean dating or "we date now". Unless you want to say we in relationship all depends on how you want to say it. Just never seen in signed that way.
here we just have two d handshapes meet simply but thats a date a least repeated I suppose could mean dating or "we date now". Unless you want to say we in relationship all depends on how you want to say it. Just never seen in signed that way.

We would be a bit confused with that. If someone sign to me "Do you want a date" with just two d-handshapes touching one time, I would probably laugh and reply, "Well, we've already met!" :lol:
I learned "to meet" with 1 handshape and "to date" with D handshape.
An old sign for "meet", from my grandparents era, is two "G" hands coming at each other from the side until the palms meet.

Origin is two people coming together, and the "G" to signify, "Glad to meet you!"
I'm still at that level of sign language where my vocabulary is very limited and involves enough finger spelling to get on someone's nerves and plenty of mis-signs. My deaf friend has been amazing enough to correct me and teach me the common words that I don't know. I don't really know enough to actually interpret much, but I can make conversation and use what I have if necessary. Today at a function I was hosting a table and a young girl, early elementary, came up to me (wearing a CI) and said "I'm deaf too!". More people came by and I turned to her and was able to sign and speak "You sign speak?" and she replied that she spoke and lipread. I may not know the language fluently but I'm always willing to try and learn.
Well today in ASL 2, we reviewed gestures and mouthing. While trying to convey what's your favorite food: "chips" without signing, I started to sign (not even realizing it) "vagina" then caught myself. Luckily only those sitting closest to me saw it. My teacher just laughed! :)
i did a placement at a nursery school where the teacher used to SEE the songs, only she signed 'be' as 'b*tch' and i corrected her politely. I don't have much sign, but i did know that one!

OMG. I just finished reading the whole thread. I just died laughing. I haven't laughed this hard for years. I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe. Hee hee. Really hilarious posts in this thread. Thanks for the belly laughs, y'all! :ty:

I meant to sign "I'm cleaning my apartment, and giving things away online."

What I signed was "I'm giving away children online."
I'm in culinary school, and in our restaurant we have a deaf waiter. He has an interpreter but a lot of times she's not around or whatever. There's this woman who always eats in the restaurant and always orders sweet tea, except she usually doesn't have him as her waiter. So on this particular day, when she was trying to order tea, she made the sign for the letter T, and shook it. The look on the waiter's face was pretty hilarious. I signed to him the correct order behind the woman's back, but I never told her she signed wrong, so now every time she orders "toilet", the waiter and I have a good laugh.

In my part of the world, the ASL "T" shape is an obscene gesture, which always gets big laughs when people ask you to show them the ASL finger alphabet. Even M and N are close enough to get them going. Lots of people know that alphabet here though (TSL has a two-hand alphabet), but the tend to use an altered version of the offending "T."

As for embarrassing mistakes - my first time actually trying to talk with deaf Turkish people, someone asked me my age and I accidentally said I was 500 years old. One of them said "oh, you don't look it at all" and I, still clueless and thinking they were complimenting my youthful looks, said "Maybe because I don't smoke." :)
It's nowhere near as funny as some of the things people have shared already, but I figure I might as well add my story.
I am very new to ASL, just started learning a few weeks ago, and mainly what I can teach myself online so I mainly handspell (slowly) at this point. I was writing a thank you note to someone who does know ASL, and decided that since I had a lot of practice drawing hands I would sign my card with my name in drawn hands fingerspelling. I promise I know my own name, and it only has 5 letters, and I still managed to leave one out! At least it was the middle one so I drew it up above and between the two letters so it wasn't off-centered, but still...
In my part of the world, the ASL "T" shape is an obscene gesture, which always gets big laughs when people ask you to show them the ASL finger alphabet. Even M and N are close enough to get them going. Lots of people know that alphabet here though (TSL has a two-hand alphabet), but the tend to use an altered version of the offending "T."

As for embarrassing mistakes - my first time actually trying to talk with deaf Turkish people, someone asked me my age and I accidentally said I was 500 years old. One of them said "oh, you don't look it at all" and I, still clueless and thinking they were complimenting my youthful looks, said "Maybe because I don't smoke." :)

Just remember a few funny mistakes seen at church.....

A woman wanted to interpret Mass and the nun in charge of interpreters let her interpret. Sister was there and wanted to see how well she did. Well, there were a few mistakes (I wanted to burst out laughing!)

For Pontius Pilot, she signed Pontius airplane pilot.
For Feast of some-holiday, it was big dinner for some-holiday.
For "Jesus feeds His sheep", it came out "Jesus eats His sheep".

After Mass, Sister gently explained how to properly interpret these.

In a religous eduction class, the instructor said, "Jesus called the apostles". The interpreted signed "Jesus telephoned the apostles".

Have seen several new signers sign "last night" as "the final night".

A few weeks ago, I caught a new signer trying to say something (don't remember what it was) but it came out "they accidentally f*cked". Nearly chocked on that one.

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