New Pope Elected

I’m totally convinced that Benny the 16th is just there to keep the seat warm. I have the feeling that the College of Cardinals wants to install an Hispanic Pope, but feels that the world Catholic community is not ready for such an abrupt transition this soon after the death of JP the Great. So Ratzinger is there to mind the shop for a few years until he dies, at which time we will see the world’s first Latin American Pope.
Did u know that back in the day they skipped Pope Benedict X? They went from IX to XI. And Pope Benedict IX was elected three times as pope.
I was reading a little bit about Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger and his life when he was growing up, He met Hilter too.. :eek: And he is one of the closest to John Paul. I gues he is all right, But, sure would miss John Paul. :thumb:

His books were published and there a list of books below:
- Behold the Pierced One
- Called to Communion
- Co-Workers of the Truth: Meditations for Every Day of the Year
- The Feast of Faith
- God and the World
- God Is Near Us: The Eucharist, the Heart of Life
- Gospel, Catechism and Catechesis
- Introduction to Christianity
- Introduction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Many Religions, One Covenant
- Meaning of Christian Brotherhood
- Milestones: 1927-1977
- Nature and Mission of Theology
- Principles of Christian Morality (co-author)
- Principles of Catholic Theology
- The Ratzinger Report
- Salt of the Earth
- The Spirit of the Liturgy
- Truth and Tolerance: Christian Belief and World Religions
He is a conservative and I imagine that's to the everlastung chagrin of some liberals I know. LOL!
I didn't care who the cardinals chose as long we have a Pope! Addmittedly, I didn't know much about any of the potential pope.

Woke up this arvo to find that Ratzinger's now a pope. Well, let's hope that decision will bode well for the Catholic church.

I had very little hope that Australian Cardinal Pell would be chosen.. Oh well, maybe next time. :)

I wouldn't be surprised if Ratzinger will strive to stay alive for more than 10 years.
Levonian said:
I’m totally convinced that Benny the 16th is just there to keep the seat warm. I have the feeling that the College of Cardinals wants to install an Hispanic Pope, but feels that the world Catholic community is not ready for such an abrupt transition this soon after the death of JP the Great. So Ratzinger is there to mind the shop for a few years until he dies, at which time we will see the world’s first Latin American Pope.

:werd: I agree with your conclusion that Benedict is there just to keep the seat warm raising the hope and possibility of Oscar Rodriguez-Maradiaga's rise to the papacy should Benedict depart.
Levonian said:
I’m totally convinced that Benny the 16th is just there to keep the seat warm. I have the feeling that the College of Cardinals wants to install an Hispanic Pope, but feels that the world Catholic community is not ready for such an abrupt transition this soon after the death of JP the Great. So Ratzinger is there to mind the shop for a few years until he dies, at which time we will see the world’s first Latin American Pope.

Your pretty smart for a primate ;) I agree with you 100%. It will happen when the time is right....but it wont' be right now. I doubt we'll see Benedict around for a great length of time.
There’s even the remote possibility (although I think it’s very small) that their plan is to install an African Pontiff. Now THAT would really be something. :-o But I'm convinced the next top dog at the Holy See will hail from south of the border.
Miss-Delectable said:
I didn't care who the cardinals chose as long we have a Pope! Addmittedly, I didn't know much about any of the potential pope.

Yes I second that.

Who cares about his background???
Liebling:-))) said:
Who cares about his background???
Well, I think we should care about his background. He swept this molestation incident under the rug then slapped the reporter.

That is totally unacceptable and immoral. But again, that's conservatism for you.
Liebling:-))) said:
Yes I second that.

Who cares about his background???
:eek: :pissed:

When it comes to the children who were molested I think it matters quite a bit. Why don't you go and tell them to their face that what happend to them doesnt matter in your eyes. The only reason why you don't care is because he is German. I bet you would raise all kinds off hell if he was from America or some other country and had a past like that.
While I congratulate Ratzinger's ascension to the top rank of the religion, I must acknowledge that we could see a repeat of all this not later than 5 yrs from now.

Ratzinger dont have that many miles left as John Paul II did. That was the consensus at the pub last night.

Congratulation to Pope Benedict XVI...

Even I am not Catholic, I still want to express my joining with men and women of goodwill everywhere in congratulating to Cardinal Ratzinger on his election as Pope Benedict XVI. I wish for him and his many followers continuing progress in furthering the cause of peace among the nations, and the alleviation of proverty and distress throughout thre world.

mlkshkgrl said:
:eek: :pissed:

When it comes to the children who were molested I think it matters quite a bit.

I read a little bit about him like I said in my early post, I had no idea he did molested a few boys. I just read Magatsu's new thread, I was speechless, They didn't say that in the website about his life as growing up.. No wonder why they left that information out. :dizzy:
mlkshkgrl said:
:eek: :pissed:

When it comes to the children who were molested I think it matters quite a bit. Why don't you go and tell them to their face that what happend to them doesnt matter in your eyes. The only reason why you don't care is because he is German. I bet you would raise all kinds off hell if he was from America or some other country and had a past like that.

You :crazy: I think you read tooooo much medias.... :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

He would NEVER take Pope´s over if he´s really molested as what you claimed.

I do not care either he´s German or not. All what I do not listen meidas and rumor, period. If the rumor is true, then he would of never being POPE... or would of stay in prison... Got it??????

Next time, watch out what you are say...

I´m neutral person and do not bitch/judge anyone about their backgrounds and their pasts, no matter where they come from.

I would say ***closed minded*** when anyone judge and bitch people´s background/past...
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Liebling:-))) said:
You :crazy: I think you read tooooo much medias.... :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

He would NEVER take Pope´s over if he´s really molested as what you claimed.

I do not care either he´s German or not. All what I do not listen meidas and rumor, period. If the rumor is true, then he would of never being POPE... or would of stay in prison... Got it??????

Next time, watch out what you are say...

I´m neutral person and do not bitch/judge anyone about their backgrounds and their pasts, no matter where they come from.

I would say ***closed minded*** when anyone judge and bitch people´s background/past...

First of all I did NOT say that he molested anyone! I was refering to Mag's post about him sweeping the whole mpolestation cases under the rug. And next time I suggest you watch how you word ANY of your posts towards me again! If I wasnt at work I would really tell you what I think!
mlkshkgrl said:
First of all I did NOT say that he molested anyone! I was refering to Mag's post about him sweeping the whole mpolestation cases under the rug. And next time I suggest you watch how you word ANY of your posts towards me again! If I wasnt at work I would really tell you what I think!

I has the right to tell you something BECAUSE I don´t like your post. It´s YOU who START it to jump on me accussing me like this...

When it comes to the children who were molested I think it matters quite a bit. Why don't you go and tell them to their face that what happend to them doesnt matter in your eyes. The only reason why you don't care is because he is German. I bet you would raise all kinds off hell if he was from America or some other country and had a past like that

I felt being insult by you because you don´t like me agree with Miss-Delectable´s post. I feel that you owe me an apologise for accussing me for nothing.

You should be more careful instead of jump and accusse anyone for nothing. Please show respect if anyone have different opinions... Thank you.

One more again, I felt that you owe me an apology for accusse me.

For your attention:
I already answer Magastu´s thread.
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Magatsu said:
Well, I think we should care about his background. He swept this molestation incident under the rug then slapped the reporter.

That is totally unacceptable and immoral. But again, that's conservatism for you.

If it´s really true... then why they elected him as pope for??? There´re plenty of cardianals from the world who want to be pope then ????

Sorry, I doesnt beleive medias...

I´m netural person and do not bitch/judge anyone for their background/past, no matter where they come from or because I´m roman catholic...

I will say something when they have PROOF....

I dont like people dig out other´s background and judge them for that which you did not know either it´s true or not. That´s why I´m not interesting to worry about everyone´s background but proof and scandal, period.

If everyone are happy to have him is fine with me...
If everyone are not happy to have him is fine with me...

I really don´t care. I think people waste their times to dig out and judge/bitch to others over their past.
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