New Mobile Phone selection


New Member
Feb 17, 2010
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I am very surprised by the lack of front facing cameras featured on the page on phones.

As you start to choose a new phone, please be aware the carriers are all looking at new products with front facing cameras. They are also investigating new pricing plans. Today AT&T has the iphone4 and I am sure you are aware this product has incredible video and VRS is supported by ZVRS. In addition Sprint is shipping both the EVO and Samsung Epic. We are going to support the Epic as every deaf consumer we have showed both products prefers the Epic. We also will be supporting facetime on the new ipod from Apple. This is no simple task as the method for communication does not include a 10 digit number. We will get this done and very soon. The beauty of the ipod is no monthly fee!

The key thing here is make an educated decision before you commit to a 2 year plan and an expensive phone. (see for info)
Sean Belanger CEO ZVRS
Thank you Sean for your input. Do you have any suggestions for us Verizon users or the T-Mobile users?