Hello guys! How are you doing? I just wanted to introduce the latest member that joined this group, me!
My name is Katie Murch. I reside from southern Texas. I will be nineteen in the end of May. I am a supervisor of a dessert shop on the beach. I am a junior in college with a Business Major. But understand that I really want to be a film/TV actor, and my college degree is just a fall-back plan. I am your average smart deaf person!
My hobbies or skills include being an animal (and deaf, mind you) activist, a vegetarian, golf, soccer, dancing, being silly, cleaning (Yes, I am a neat freak), and acting... I live with my parents (who one is a very much respected intepreter in Texas, see if you can guess who she is) and five dogs, six cats, and three goats (one just gave birth, very cute!) on my five acres property (so don't worry, the animals are given plenty attention and room!).
I have a hearing boyfriend who respect the deaf culture very much. He learned how to sign within weeks of dating me. He could be an interpreter now! Even my step-dad, who is deaf and DOES NOT like hearing people, love him!
I am going to go into the Miss Deaf Texas Pageant soon, so wish me luck!
My name is Katie Murch. I reside from southern Texas. I will be nineteen in the end of May. I am a supervisor of a dessert shop on the beach. I am a junior in college with a Business Major. But understand that I really want to be a film/TV actor, and my college degree is just a fall-back plan. I am your average smart deaf person!
My hobbies or skills include being an animal (and deaf, mind you) activist, a vegetarian, golf, soccer, dancing, being silly, cleaning (Yes, I am a neat freak), and acting... I live with my parents (who one is a very much respected intepreter in Texas, see if you can guess who she is) and five dogs, six cats, and three goats (one just gave birth, very cute!) on my five acres property (so don't worry, the animals are given plenty attention and room!).
I have a hearing boyfriend who respect the deaf culture very much. He learned how to sign within weeks of dating me. He could be an interpreter now! Even my step-dad, who is deaf and DOES NOT like hearing people, love him!
I am going to go into the Miss Deaf Texas Pageant soon, so wish me luck!