Oceanbreeze said:Why are some of us being characterized as "closeminded" simply because we would like to be able to enjoy surfing this site without seeing so much smut on here?
Eve said:I posted Alex's exact wording and the url for each statement, therefore I am not twisting anything.
Eve said:I posted Alex's exact wording and the url for each statement, therefore I am not twisting anything.
Oh really? They meant you not Alex...Eve said:*gasp* you tell ALEX to STFU? These are HIS rules you are stomping all over!
Eve, are you for a censorship? You do not own nor pay this AD membership due....Eve said:Even though we support freedom of speech, show some respect, use common sense , and keep an open mind when participating in discussions.
Eve said:Let's keep Alldeaf enjoyable for all members. Respect, respect, respect and being courteous despite the differences in opinions and thoughts conveyed in AllDeaf.com!
Isn’t this what I have been requesting all along????
Beowulf said:I suppose it is common sense to let the minority dictate our postings.
Just look at the polls.
Ah well.
FreeWoman77 said:I remember last 2003 E's avatar there was blood blown like period nobody complained![]()
FreeWoman77 said:I remember last 2003 E's avatar there was blood blown like period nobody complained![]()
^Angel^ said:That's exactly correct cause I see it as a PG-13 same for Steel's and GalaxyAngel's also...
R? Would be half nude beside I haven't see half nude in this forum yet, and I remember CookieMonster has a bloody avatar/signature and horror movies are R rate, so that why some of us say freedom of speech it doesn't mean entirly it mean limit to it, since I haven't see one avatar that shown half nude, not that I'm aware of, so most members here know not to cross over that line, but simple PG-13 and some R rate won't harm the children, beside even some of the scary and bloody avatars are not so pretty to look at, but still that what they like, and I respect that ....
diehardbiker65 said:Don't forget that Vampy's cool Avatar that guy shot AOL guy? I missed that bloody spurting out of AOL guy! Even Mod posted it! So whats friggin deal?
Taylor said:What happened to common sense folks? If people just used common sense when posting things or using avatars and signatures, this whole thing would not be an issue...
And wanting to keep things clean is NOT a violation of free speech. Several people keep mentioning free speech, however, those that say they want things cleaned up are attacked....do they not have free speech too? As with a lot of politics, people say its a free speech issue if they agree with what is being said...but if they disagree then they tell everyone to shut the hell up. If people want to argue the free speech issue, then give free speech to everyone, whether you agree or disagree with them....They have just as much right to say they want it cleaned up as those that want things to be more lax.
People are attacking Eve and other members for speaking up for what they feel is right. What gives anyone the right to shut them up because they do not feel the same way?
It reminds me of the anti-abortion protesters that stand on street corners. They say they are allowed to stand there and hold gruesome pictures up...then when a woman says 'Its my body and I should have a choice' she is attacked....
Freedom of anything is a two way street....you want the R rated stuff to stay, then fine...post that you want it to stay and give your side of the story, but don't attack those that feel differently than you do.
Again, if we let common sense prevail, this wouldn't be an issue at all....state your opinions, have a discussion about it, but the personal attacks are getting way out of hand.
I'm not saying I agree or disagree with Eve or the other members, but they are entitled the privilege to speak their peace just as everyone else.
You aren’t seeing me doing the attacking.Why is that when most of us are doing the same thing here Eve, not follow rules by respecting those for their opinion....
All I see is attacking, so therefore it goes both ways!
Who said I was perfect? Certainly wasn’t me, but I am trying to negotiate here without bashing and considering the bashings I have been receiving, I think I’m doing a pretty good job so far.You think your 100% perfect?
How do you figure? I am not the one posting crude avatars and signatures to the offense of others. And, I have every right to express my disgust with those pictures and words.Eve! You started this mess, now it is your job to clean it up!
I haven’t. Please show me one instance of me doing so.I am so sick to see these kind of people who preach against sexually explicit images when some of them have posted some such pictures outside of Penisarium
Exactly! Isn’t this why they put the dirty magazines on the top shelf and covered up in the bookstores and convenience stores? Same reason we have a PENISARIUM here.And wanting to keep things clean is NOT a violation of free speech.
Again, I ask, why do DEAF and DIRTY have to be synonymous?I am asking you to visit to another clean deaf forum.