New kid from Fayetteville, NC, USA


New Member
Oct 28, 2014
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Hi All.
I found this forum when I was searching Facebook for resources for the people who come to the Deaf Coffee Chat I host here in Fayetteville, NC. Seems like a nice group.
I am hearing and I have no Deaf in my family, but in Jan (2014) I started with a roller derby team here, and Jamie, one of our skaters, is deaf. She is now one of my best friends and is teaching me to sign. She's introduced me to a lot of her friends and interpreters from the area, and I'm having an awesome time with all of my new friends. I am still really terrible at Sign Language, but I'm taking some classes and I'm learning. I'd love to meet any new people in the area & hang out. If you're close to here, please come to our Deaf Coffee Chat event every month. You can find it on Facebook at
Oh, boy. Why would a hearing person have to set up a Deaf Coffee Chat like the Deaf restaurant in Toronto, Ontario, Canada? It is run by a hearing person (restaurant).

It would be great if a Deaf person thought of an idea for the Deaf Coffee Chat instead of hearing person. **sigh**

It is nice that you have a Deaf friend who skate on your team on the Roller Derby.

:welcome: to AllDeaf Forum. Enjoy reading and posting here.
Hi nice to meet you guys

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