I began to lose my hearing in my mid 30's. I wore hearing aids starting in my early 40's. By my early 60's my left side was down to 4% comprehension with a hearing aid (and 0% w/o). My right ear was around 50%. I got a CI in my left ear and my comprehension went dramaticlly up (I think around 60% in the beginning). I'm in the 80-90% range now (and probably would be better if I put more effort into rehab

My right ear continued to decline and 18 months later I got a CI in that ear (comprehesion was in the 20% range).
Go for a CI evaluation and do NOT guess at what you hear. This is one test you want to fail.

The CI audiologist should give you information on the 3 brands AND s/he should NOT try to "sell" you on a specific brand. That is unethical on thier part.
Do your research. Once you choose a brand you're unlikely to be able to switch.
Contact each brand and ask to have a representative visit you (in person or virtually) and also ask for a list of mentors (people who use their brand). The representative will naturally try to get you to pick their brand. The mentors will tell you what it's like to use their brand as in are they happy with it or not.
Look for online communities for each brand - forums and Facebook - where you can talk to people who use each brand.
I chose Advanced Bionics because I was happy with the Phonak hearing aids I had and had several of their accessories which also work with AB's processors. Phonak & AB use the same technology (they're owned by the same company). I also chose AB because I found a great community online, both forum and FB group. It was hard to find communities for the other two brands.
I am not trying to sell you an AB, just letting you know why I chose them.
If you can talk to mentors for each brand, ask them how hard or easy it is to work with the company (customer service). AB has great customer service, though some people are not happy right now because of slow response time. That's due to the pandemic and due to them recently coming out with a new processor and many, many people are trying to upgrade and there's a backlog (again, partly due to the pandemic) getting the new processors out to everyone.
I hope you do proceed with getting evaluated.