New here!


Jan 12, 2014
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Hi everyone. I just found this website while searching for information on how to sign with my completely blind best friend who I live with. We are in an unusual situation with her total vision impairment and my moderate hearing loss. We have made some phone calls and come up with nothing and nobody willing to either teach us or recommend anyone else who can.

We're from Perth, Western Australia and we would love to learn Auslan.

Aside from that, this is the first time I have joined any group for hearing impaired people and I am a bit scared but I decided to just do it and maybe I can make some friends who understand both the frustrating and sometimes hilarious moments that come with hearing impairment.

I have bilateral sensorineural hearing loss caused by multiple head injuries. I wear Oticon Acto Pro BTE aids and I have just been approved for a grant to get a Bellman system installed in our home so I hope with that I will find it easier to answer the door or phone and wake up in the morning :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf Forum. Enjoy reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome to the club from on top versus down under? Sounds like y'all have a really lovely relationship. Congrats.

-- Sheri
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. This place seems really friendly. I'm glad I stumbled across it!