New Hair!!!


New Member
May 28, 2006
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So, I got bored with the hairstyle I had. I went to Milan and got a new haircut, and then I dyed my hair hot pink and purple!

New haircut, before I dyed my hair:

After I dyed my hair:

What do y'all think?!
Very cool looking hairdo.

I'm getting bored of my hairstyle, too. A female friend suggest I get a hairstyle like Maddox, Angelina Jolie's son. :laugh2:

Noo.. keep it the way you are now or have a crew cut.. hehe! :giggle:

Very cool looking hairdo.

I'm getting bored of my hairstyle, too. A female friend suggest I get a hairstyle like Maddox, Angelina Jolie's son. :laugh2:

I really like your 'do.... I wish I can do that but I have a job, oh well... I wanted to keep on dying my hair purple but oh well...
Thank God. I was getting a little tired of the "emo bitch" haircut you bad, before.

Cool 'do! I remember during my MSSD days, friends and I would go to Geogretown and get our hair sprayed with funky colors. My fave was hot pink and purple.
*cough*, If you're alike her son's hairdo....
I would end up lauff'n at you rest of month!
btw your hair and business.. ain't mine... :)
Good Luck!
If you did.. Please post it your hairdo what you've gotten into.....
Beg differ you please post it.. Promise!
Don't be coy!
colors? geez, ur brave to courage of do that. LOL not for me! as long ur happy w/ it then stick w/ it!
aWESOME colors! wow! u are indeed brave to dye ur hairs looking like that! ha! :)
WOW! you get half purple and hot pink it's look good on you :) or are you gonan change other color or wha? LOL or how about green on ur hair? j/k
I remember when I dyed my hair maroon. When I took a shower, it became pink. Later, it became orange. Eek!
I remember when I dyed my hair maroon. When I took a shower, it became pink. Later, it became orange. Eek!

Some brands will fade faster than others. Manic Panic is a good brand and depending on how often you wash your hair, will take maybe a month to fade (except for after midnight blue, which fades really fast). Special Effects is another good brand, a little better than Manic Panic. Their Atomic Pink does NOT fade.
So what are you trying to say about yourself? What image are you trying to portray?