New girl here! Read a little info...


New Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Wirelessly posted

21 single bi female. I'm a single mom. HOH. I'm new to this website and just wanted to say hello to everyone! Say your piece and i'll comment back :)
Hi Leaded :) I'm a single bi mom too :) Nice to meet you, enjoy your stay here!
Wirelessly posted

DDU said:
dang, i'm not bi

You dont need to be bi to reply on this post. I'm opened to anybody. I would like to get to know you guys, so please tell me a little about yourself!
Wirelessly posted

21 single bi female. I'm a single mom. HOH. I'm new to this website and just wanted to say hello to everyone! Say your piece and i'll comment back :)

hello there I'm a hearing and I'm new here too nice to meet you...
Wirelessly posted

Taitai said:
Wirelessly posted

21 single bi female. I'm a single mom. HOH. I'm new to this website and just wanted to say hello to everyone! Say your piece and i'll comment back :)

hello there I'm a hearing and I'm new here too nice to meet you...

Nice to meet you tai! Im pretty much hearing like yourself. 95% of the people around me and my friends doesn't didn't know i wear hearing aids! My speech is clear. Im in mainstream with everything. When i wear my hair up, they can see the blue and be like "awesome!." lol. Anyhow, how are you?!
Wirelessly posted

Nice to meet you tai! Im pretty much hearing like yourself. 95% of the people around me and my friends doesn't didn't know i wear hearing aids! My speech is clear. Im in mainstream with everything. When i wear my hair up, they can see the blue and be like "awesome!." lol. Anyhow, how are you?!

oh that's great hehe so you don't need to sign with them.well, I'm good and bad thnx for asking anyway,if you have time read my post so you will
know why i said I'm good and bad lol!
Aloha there!

welcome to here :]

what can i say about me? im all about superdorky :D
Hello welcome to AD! I'm bi as well and my girlfriend is on AD too:) I'm deaf and she is hearing lol
^.^ Hope you're enjoying it here so far. ^.^

and Sam - no I havent been married in over an year... divorce was finalized earlier this year. :)

Oy! I'm behind news! :aw:

Leadedheartache said:
If she says she's single, then she is.... Dont put out people's business like that. Besides, tell me a lil about yourself

WildHunt did make announcement about being married few years ago on here AllDeaf. Yet, I didn't know she is single again.
Oy! I'm behind news! :aw:

WildHunt did make announcement about being married few years ago on here AllDeaf. Yet, I didn't know she is single again.

yeah I did announce I got married to another ADer ( :roll: )here years ago... didnt really announce the divorce lol.

Anyways back to OP, this thread aint about me :giggle:
I am not new here, I am married, str8 and father of 3. I serve in the Army(wife is deaf, I am hearing). Nice to met you. Enjoy your stay. I mostly hang around other subjects, I tend to peek in here and the parenting once in a while.
I'm in my 20s and I'm HoH. No wife and no kids!

Where's Matajan?

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