^Angel^ said:Not everyone but some of them sure why not.....
Should I take my halo off?....
I am going to answer your question since no one answered....^Angel^ said:Not everyone but some of them sure why not.....
Should I take my halo off?....
ecevit said:Should I spank you, ^Angel^ ?
^Angel^ said:Do whatever you want.....
Nope sorry....
Thanks Butterflygirl at least I'm not ignored ....
Should I stay or lay down and get some rest?
TweetyBird said:should i check everything in my room if i need stuff for packing?
GalaxyAngel said:Tweetybird,
As long you want tempation eat anything u like but NOT EAT JUNK FOODS... *REMIND YOU*
Should I take advil kicking miragines go away or forget patience bad miragines?