New game: "Should I...?"

ur decide what u wanna...

should i take packing or go bed??
well your decide... it up to u...

should i change my ID TweetyBird to Devil???
Up to you if you want to relax. *Psst, I am watching a scary movie named "Cursed".

Should I not watch it?
yea u need stop.. need talk someone online keep u cheer up!

should i go bed now?
Should I be more close my love who shows lack of respect to my hearing trouble ?
or Should I seek another girl ?

Should I forget loving ?
Should I not write such quotes any longer ?

Kissing y'all :kiss:
ecevit said:
Should I be more close my love who shows lack of respect to my hearing trouble ?
or Should I seek another girl ?

Should I forget loving ?
Should I not write such quotes any longer ?

Kissing y'all :kiss:

You truly deserve a person who respects all of you.
Follow your heart.
Never forget loving, it's in your heart, it's who you are.
Keep on writing those quotes, they come from you heart.

:kiss: and :hug: you back!

Should I clean my bathroom now of have coffee first?