New Deafie in Alaska

No, I don't know a Thomas Mitchell. The only other deafies I know in Alaska are:
Sandy Sloat
Marion Wood
Geraldine "GK"

Sandy taught me ASL back in '09

I made it into the newspaper on Sunday:

Local inventor wants to change snowboarding - Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman: Business

For all those that feel like they are at a disadvantage from being deaf in a world that typically ignores or doesn't acknowledge that you exist, please read the article and know that you are equally capable or more than capable because you are free from audible distractions.

I personally attest that the quality of workmanship in my shop has improved by several orders of magnitude since going deaf, as I do not have the audible distractions nor do I have the problem of things like the sound of the grinder making the visual accuracy of my work go to pieces.

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Welcome to AD Chris. I have family in Anchorage :wave:

(P.S. Most car airbag circuitry also have gold).
Welcome to AD Chris. I have family in Anchorage :wave:

(P.S. Most car airbag circuitry also have gold).

Ohh... the irony that I happen to have a stack of airbag sensors sitting here!

The contacts are gold, and the weighted steel ball is gold covered, not plated. It's covered with gold because the ball is bigger than the aluminum tube that it must slide through to touch the contacts. There is a magnet to keep the ball in place but on impact, the ball is forced through the tube, where it literally shaves gold off as it is forced through by the physics of things in motion staying in motion, and that guarantees that you must be in a good sized collision prior to the airbag deployment.

I have to drive to Los Anchorage tomorrow too, just the irony of the timing of your post and the content is staggering!

I'm in Wasilla, too! :) I know GK, but I don't think I've met the other two people you mentioned, at least not yet. If you ever see a girl with a service dog that's a big black poodle, that might be me. (Although, it also might not. Apparently there's another big black poodle service dog in the Valley now, too.)

My friend from Fairbanks is down here, and we are preparing to go to Kodiak right now, so my time remaining in Wasilla is measured in minutes for the moment, and then in October I'll be back....

Welcome, AlaskaStar :wave:

I really like your current avatar. Beautiful picture...
I am having a total blast here!

You, however, should get a boat and stay dry! My neighbor's house just got ruined from flooding at creek. My in-laws house just lost all the fancy flooring on first floor due to flooding of Wasilla Creek.

Eep! That stinks. :( I'm in a good spot, but I have a bunch of friends farther north who've been evacuated. This is crazy! No rain today, though, so maybe things are beginning to ease up.
hey alaska star....
i grew up in Alaska i really miss Alaska so reading this kinda remind me of home i was born in Fairbanks went school in anchorage lived in Alaska for 20 years its sure amazing place :) have u ever went to deaf community center there are one in fairbanks and anchorage usually there have some small deaf get together and events growing up in alaska i always learn one thing to accept everybody whatever their ages are became friends with everybody because there wasnt not that many deaf people up in Alaska ....
Ah, out with the old, in with the new.

Some of the new and upcoming non-deaf partial artists are actually LOVING ASL because it is to them a "living art" form, beautiful, simple, and uses every aspect of body language from facial, hands, body movement... and they seem to be enjoying it far more than video games.

It's good, also because employers like to see that someone is able to learn more than one language on their own.

Warning to Deafies that must deal with police force in Alaska

After numerous incidents involving those that are entrusted to "protect and serve" I offer bitter warning: DO NOT TRUST THESE PEOPLE.

Crossing the cross-walk while the blue "Safe to Cross" sign was illuminated, I was hit by a Ford Truck. The driver was distracted talking on a cell phone. The logo on the side of the truck: "Wasilla Police"

I was then criminalized for carrying 2 loaded and chambered pistols to simply walk across town. Never mind the fact that I was hit by a motorized vehicle for my compliance with safety standards and the proper use of a crosswalk.

Later that year, I was involved in a nasty collision with a plow truck that cut my vehicle like a hot knife through butter. The same "Officer" (I honestly cannot call this person an "officer" based on empirical evidence) responded to the crash scene and refused to allow me the warmth of his squad car. I was injured, I was unable to walk. I was in shock. I was in pain.

Simply based on the fact that I am deaf and that this moron had "dealt with me" in the past, I suffer long term brain damage (memory loss of important things, but can remember trivial crap like nobody else can believe) and continually have problems figuring out where I am and where I need to be going.

So, on the police report, he writes "Airbags did not deploy" which is a total lie. Airbags did deploy. I have the car in my driveway!

He also wrote "NO INJURIES"

Standard protocol is to call EMT crew to EVERY collision that has deployed airbags. No ambulance. Only a jerk in a snow-storm in a shiny cop-car.

I then was driving a friend's car that same month. I slammed brakes to avoid a collision with a cop car and the car behind me slammed into me. The cop was doing a 3-point turn around in the middle of the street in the dark with all lights OFF do chase down a small truck with a burned out headlight bulb. So, for $5 worth of light bulb, 2 cars got totaled. I just got finished paying for that wreck.

In that incident, I had the STATE TROOPERS respond to the wreck. They acknowledged that I stopped to avoid a collision but failed to cite (ticket) the officer for reckless endangerment.

Again. Sad to say: I warn everyone, regardless of their walk of life to be very careful with those who "Serve to Protect themselves" and especially those who are deaf for the treatment that they will receive is insulting and sub-human at best.
