New boyfriend, new communities

I don't have hearing-aids and anyway my bf would probably destroy them because he is anti-hearing aid/CI I was going to make another appointment but I have heard the audiologists here are bad, like my friend who is really HOH and does wear hearing aids the audiologist told him that he didn't need the hearing aids because when the guy was sitting next to him my friend could understand :( so I was going to wait until I move to Arizona

Even if your boyfriend is anti-HA/CI, he should not be making your choices for you (or destroying your stuff.) :roll: You are perfectly entitled to wear whatever you choose.

Did you make up the stuff about "really HOH does not need HAs because he could understand" ? Did that really happen? Even very mild HOH people wear HAs. There are different levels of HAs ranging from very mild to profound. If anything, the audiologist is going to seize on any opportunity to sell HAs, so to tell your friend he doesn't need them? Nah.
Even if your boyfriend is anti-HA/CI, he should not be making your choices for you (or destroying your stuff.) :roll: You are perfectly entitled to wear whatever you choose.

Did you make up the stuff about "really HOH does not need HAs because he could understand" ? Did that really happen? Even very mild HOH people wear HAs. There are different levels of HAs ranging from very mild to profound. If anything, the audiologist is going to seize on any opportunity to sell HAs, so to tell your friend he doesn't need them? Nah.

It was a joke about my bf I know that he would be happy but he would respect my choice. And I am not kidding I am in a really small town so the deaf keep to themselves and I think the guy got fired

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If I had hearing girlfriend and she wanted to try earplugs, I won't stop her. I don't worry about what others do or don't do in a relationship.
If I go out with a handicapped person, let's say they have 1 leg...should I pretend what it's like to have 1 leg? Hop around with one of my leg behind me?
If I go out with a handicapped person, let's say they have 1 leg...should I pretend what it's like to have 1 leg? Hop around with one of my leg behind me?

:laugh2: Okay sorry, I just pictured you hopping around.... It's kind of funny in the picturing you holding one leg the entire night and seeing the faces.... :laugh2:

However, a very good point, and more of what I was hinting at. :) :ty:
I had a young girl ask me what it is like to be deaf. Her boyfriend is deaf and she seriously wanted to know what he goes through on a daily basis. If someone shows true interests I don't think it's wrong for them to try earplugs to get a sense of the difficulty of being deaf. She was not pretending to be deaf but has a new appreciation on a small level of why he gets frustrated at times.
Oh my dear lord..... Are you friggin kidding me right now, or are you actually serious? I hope to God you are kidding....


(sarcasm) But don't you know? Being deaf is like SO KEWLZ!(/sarcasm)