if you use credit union account, if you have complimentary other credit union's or other bank's atm with CU24, CO-OP, Allpoint Network or Money Pass or Publix Supermarket Presto!* logo in your back of card (Publix Presto! ATM locations in AL, FL, GA, SC, TN) or credit union or bank's surcharge free network members company name's logo in back of your debit card.
do not use PLUS, STAR, NYCE, other surcharged atm machine network.
some credit union can do refund other atm surcharge limited or unlimited.
if you go to the store they provide cash back you purchase somethings and meet to a cashier to check out and swipe the POS (Point of Sale) terminal, enter PIN and Do you want cash back Yes or NO and you press YES, you can desired amount of you need cash back and automatically deduct from you checking account.
you can save your money in your credit union
*Presto! ATM owned by Publix Employees Federal Credit Union
Publix Presto!