New and Unsure


New Member
Jan 12, 2012
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Hi :)

I feel a bit out of place here..since I don't know yet if I have a hearing loss. I noticed in college that I had a hard time following conversations, especially in noisy places. I had a hearing test done, and it came back fine (I don't remember the exact levels..I tried to find the audiogram but it must have gotten lost) but I think I was at about 10-15db for my left ear and 5 for my right..I've also had tinnitus on and off for years.

Fast forward to the present..lately I've been having a lot of tinnitus in my left ear especially..sometimes ringing, or between a hum and a buzz..I just recently learned that tinnitus can be other sounds too...which explains all the times I would be laying awake in bed, hearing something that sounded like music playing but JUST out of earshot, so that I couldn't follow a tune to it..Several times I even got out of bed looking for the source of it (talk about a wild goose chase lol).

But I digress. (I'm good at that)

Like I said, I've been having a lot of tinnitus lately, and pressure in my ear, and having a harder time than usual following conversation..not hearing things when there's background noise..the other day a friend knocked on the door..opened it up, called out my name..then finally left what she had for me in the kitchen..i never heard a thing. I have 3 young kids, and have a hard time understanding what they're saying, since there is always background noise. I'm also finding it really hard to deal with noise in it possible to have a hard time hearing and yet be sensitive to noise at the same time? lol

I have a Dr. appt next Friday and will ask about it all then..I guess I'm just worried about coming across as paranoid or hypochondriac.

So I suppose I was hoping to find some others who have maybe gone through the same thing?
Yes. It is possible. My boyfriend is deaf, but he is sensitive to noise. It has to do with how your hearing loss has manifested and sometimes how hearing aids work, if one wears them.

Good luck at the doctor!


Jen M. (hearing, boyfriend is deaf)
I guess I should also mention that I'm not totally clueless to Deaf culture, though I have tons to learn..I had a few Deaf chat friends that I met in college who taught me tons, and I've been interested in ASL for as long as I can remember..I just live in a rural area and there are no classes available..I never thought that there would even be the chance of needing it myself (if I do turn out to have a hearing loss)
welcome mommyme! :wave: Its good to see you have a such a good outlook on possible future with your ears. I too live out in the rural areas and find myself driving into the city just to meet with many of my friends to chat.
Thanks for the welcome :)
I managed to get to the Dr early, and she said she could see nothing wrong with my ears...she gave me a steroid nasal spray to try, and if that doesn't work, she said she could refer me to an in a rural area, that would mean driving almost an hour each way to the city..during the week..when my hubby has the having to tow along our 3 young kids lol. so we'll see if that happens...