Never see like this before white lion O_o

The white lion is sooo Prussy (pretty)!
White lion are beautiful! They are rare. I know we have white tigers in Queensland, Australia but I have heard that they got poisoned some times ago.

huh, surprised me!!! i really never to see it. i thought this photo is fake..
oh yes rare, but white Lion are beautiful.... hm that is interesting
Yes, Siegfred & Roy own some white wild exotic cats... I have seen white wild exotic cats in real life...

We have wild exotic cats next villiage where we lives. We saw white tiger there... I took a picture of white tiger with Alan as toddler... I will scan a picture of him with white tiger when I'm home from work...
Chances are it is a real white lion. One night I was driving and a white deer jumped in the middle of the road and I slammed the brakes, and in a fraction of a second I thought I saw a ghost deer. I knew I was not drunk and I knew people would call me crazy for seeing the white deer that fled right away into the forest.

I found out later from another guys that I trusted to be my good friends that what I saw was an albino deer and they broke out laughing.

:eek3: Scared the crap out of me that is for sure !!!!! :rofl: