Some interesting discussion. But, at this point, I am not quite sure whether CAPD is the correct diagnosis. I decided to try digital BTE's and they HELP A LOT! My tympanograms are still abnormal and and I have NO MEMR's (middle ear muscle reflexes). People with AN/AD can do very poorly on tests for CAPD, but it does not mean they necessarily have it.
All I know is, the HA's help me hear better. And I am starting to get out and DO things with people again. I have been advised to see a NEUROLOGIST, as opposed to needing to see a psychiatrist. I have learned that AS is a PDD as opposed to a "mental illness." I have learned that TS is a "tic" or "movement" disorder.
I couldn't decide which "label" to use for myself. Sometimes Deaf people would say I was HOH. Or occasionally Deaf. Other people tended to look at me as either Hearing or "hearing impaired." I no longer see myself as Hearing. And I don't care for the term "hearing impaired" either. Because I am not a "broken Hearing person." I do not see myself as "communication disordered," since I can exchange ideas (or whatever) with other people via Sign, written English, and often spoken English as well.
Mothers and daughters may have "communication breakdowns" for any number of reasons. (Just like anybody else.) Since posting that thread, I have realized that I am my own person, separate from my mother, father, significant other, or whatever. In other words, I have decided to just get on with my life.