These are the comments I normally hear. You see, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. It's a fact of life. Things break.
Hear Again, I don't know what is funny about stem cell research or genetic research into diseases and deformities. Imagine growing a new arm, leg, or eye for hundreds of thousands of our vets who have been injured in combat. Growing new retinal tissue for those with macular degeneration. Teeth for people who've lost them, improving their ability to chew foods and improving their quality of life.
Lucia, you are a citizen of the US, right? If you want to move to Australia because you won't stand your ground against those who want to take our things and our lives from us, go right ahead. I will in the meantime defend your right to do and think as you want, even though I can't serve in the military.
I would not consider PABI and ABI for the same reason. Just as you consider these to be invasive beyond a comfortable level, so do I consider the CI method.
And Hear Again, you have a valid concern about the CI industry going out of business. Even if it did happen, people who are alert about the business environment around them will move out of it and retrain into something else before they lose their mortgages, their jobs, and businesses. It's what people who watch the trends do; they'll go from one field to another with the skills that are transferrable, before they're forced to do so. I know someone who was a manager at one of the car lots in town and was laid off. If he had known what I knew about the financial markets 4 years ago, he would have gotten out into something else, like oil and gas, alternative fuel technology, infrastructure design for such systems, etc.
Everything that has happened, I knew it was going to happen several years back. That's why I don't own a house, stocks or bonds, etc. I have two maillists, one called the Silver list which is forwarding of things I find on the Internet and one called "I Told You So," which is a submission of evidence out there to the same group of people that shows that people who made the wrong election decisions are paying for it and how. I've been doing this for 4 years, and started financial research nearly 5 years ago. I winced at the cave thing, not because it hurts me (no skin off my nose), but because I suspect you're not prepared for what's coming this fall. What we saw last fall was devastating to a lot of people, yes ($20 TRILLION of wealth lost thus far in the US alone), but that is nothing compared to what we've got coming for the next several years. What you failed to understand is California for example. They have no fiscal responsibility whatsoever. They don't even know where money comes from or how it's earned. What if Texas, if going down a similar path, runs out of money to fund the surgeries needed to fix a malfunctioning or aging CI? And say that the US government defaults on its debts and runs out of the ability to print up more paper money? What then? That's my point. I'm not necessarily talking Terminators, Thunderdome. I'm talking about the mere possibility that the agencies responsible for your CIs going broke or having to ration services, which will happen if government is not restrained properly or medical goes totally socialized - look at service disbursement percentages in Canada, UK, and Europe.
This is the best I can do right now, trying to distill 5 years worth of research into these lines here. There is so much I didn't mention, but I didn't want to drag out what is already a long post. The next several years are going to be interesting, because things are playing out as I expected them to (unfortunately).