You wont believe this story!! Yesterday while my husband was
in the shop working on his riding lawn mower, this lady across the
road (her husband is a truck driver) came over and was asking for
help cuz this nasty black lab (we know who it belongs to and we know
it is a mean one) got loose (again) apparently his yard leash got
broken, was terrorizing her at her home, probably cuz she has a
little dog. She said he was growling at her and all so she got scared
and got in her car quickly and drove over to our house and saw my
hubby in the shop and begging for he got in his pickup and tried
to get that dog but he tried to bite him!! The owners were away at work, after a few tries, he roped that dog and tied him to their mailbox
but after awhile, HE GOT LOOSE AGAIN! the poor lady called the sheriff cuz
the lab was terrorizing her again! she called the sheriff and he came out to
look for the dog. The sheriff knew the owner so the owner got off work early.
Well, we were at their mailbox trying to fix the mailbox as it was nearly
torn down just trying to be nice...the owner drove up and the dog came out
of nowhere....the owner CUSSED MY HUSBAND OUT!! FOR WHAT?? My
husband explained what happened...the lady is the one who asked for help
and she the one called the sheriff..geez. The guy was still pissed off at my
husband, for what?? he didnt do nothing but tried to help the lady from the
mean dog, geez. Oh well, from now on, we are not going to help nobody...
My husband said next time that happens, hes gonna tell her or anybody
"ALL THE COPS"! hes not gonna help no more cuz the owner was really
pissed off at my husband when he should be pissed at the lady....geeeez!
Can you believe this...what is wrong with this dog owner???
Another thing, you think labs are nice dogs..?? yeah, right!...this one is
a mean SOB! he almost bit my husband in the face......crikey.