Need Your Help Soon!

^ Sorry but I am with flip on this one.

As wolf/dog lover, I have researched, googled, and got some books on wolves and it shows that I don't really have much to worry about from wolves if I use a common sense. Like for example, it's unwise to go near their pups or their meals. If you see one during your hiking, it's more like a healthy wolf will run away from you instead of you run away from it. Wolves are more afraid of humans than we are of them.

Most of the time we will be in certain animal's territory no matter what. Earth does not belong to humans only. It belongs to all creatures including us. We will take a risk no matter what land we will walk on. You are correct to be careful, but it can't be because of wolves, but for general danger that outdoor activities can bring.

Sorry for going off topic now, I'll stop now.
^ Sorry but I am with flip on this one.

As wolf/dog lover, I have researched, googled, and got some books on wolves and it shows that I don't really have much to worry about from wolves if I use a common sense. Like for example, it's unwise to go near their pups or their meals. If you see one during your hiking, it's more like a healthy wolf will run away from you instead of you run away from it. Wolves are more afraid of humans than we are of them.

Most of the time we will be in certain animal's territory no matter what. Earth does not belong to humans only. It belongs to all creatures including us. We will take a risk no matter what land we will walk on. You are correct to be careful, but it can't be because of wolves, but for general danger that outdoor activities can bring.

Sorry for going off topic now, I'll stop now.

That is your opinion of wolves being afraid of people. Maybe you are right and maybe you are wrong. Everything you said is right about going into their territory where there is wolf pups or their meals. You are correct that Earth belongs to all creatures including human beings. We, Native American, don't own the lands but we respect the animals and the lands very much. Mother Earth take care of us all to survive in the forest. Some of us are nomads and others remain in one area. We try to take care and protected the forest for centuries and centuries. Now the white government told us that we have to own the lands because we need a place to call home. Just my 2 cents, be careful when you go out in the forest or in the bush. Interesting topic. :cool:
Hi. I'm writing a paper for my ASL class. It's due very soon so would anyone please help me? It's about Deaf Culture and Safety. Some of these situations may seem obvious or be a bit outrageous, but please help me out as much as you can:

1) What would you do if someone approaches you from behind when it is dark out and you are walking alone? If you do not rely on the sound of them coming up behind you, is there another way you stay aware of your surroundings when light is limited?
I'm hoh but here:
I rely on my ha and my good ear to hear the sounds that I use to hear. If i am having a lot of trouble i just turn up my ha to the loudest setting:)

2) I understand that deaf people still have voices and can use them at their will, but are deaf people taught to yell and scream in a kidnapping situation like hearing people are? If not, how would a deaf person handle an attempted kidnapping?
I would still scream like anybody else! make as much noise as I could!

3) What is the best way to handle if you are lost in nature and cannot hear wild animals approaching or a search party calling for you?
Always wear my ha and a whistle if i went on a nature walk!

4) Are deaf people allowed to be lifeguards?
I would hope so! lol

5) Do deaf people avoid playing games that require blindfolds?
I haven't really put myself in that situation since i have lost my hearing..but i would be slightly at a loss of advantage for sure ya lol

Thanks a WHOLE lot! You don't have to answer them all, but the more, the better.

Again I am not deaf like some people who have posted. I am hard of hearing, hope that is ok:)
oops..i didn't even read the date properly..guess ur paper is done lol oops