Need info on Hearing Dogs!!!

I think that's absurb. I don't need a hearing dog because it's not really neccessary since I wear hearing aids. I can understand there's dog for the blind or disabled, but hearing dogs...oh please.
Yeah, I know.......I've never understood the point of a hearing dog, when there are SO many other alternatives available.
Then, why do you want a hearing dog?

Why don't you just get a regular dog from a pet store?

I would never tell a person to buy a dog from a pet store! Most of the dogs come from puppy mills! I heard too many horror stories about people buying a dog from a pet store only to have it get really sick and die! You should find good dog breeder , one that does not over brees their dogs or go a shelter and get a dog! There are a lot dogs needing a good home there! I got my Samoyed Husky a shelter , and she was a great dog!
And what is a regular dog ?