Try to connect your VP directly to the DSL modem and see if you can recieve incomming calls. If it works, then there is some config issue on your router/firewall. If it still doesn't work then there has to be a problem with the vp-200's config or perhaps its defective. Good luck and let me know how that works out for ya.Hey!
I got VP-200 on last saturday! Everything worked fine. Except Recieve Calls. I can't recieve Calls on my VP-200 and Soreson Installer try fix that. But it still not working. Installer look like he don't know how Firewall works. Because I have My DSL connect to DI-604 and DI-624 (Chain) Router I connect my VP-200 direct to DI-624 but I able not recieve calls but it only show up missed Calls on my VP-200.
But I am switch to RoadRunner in November when I switch to RoadRunner I won't be using Router anymore! Router work suck with VP!!