need help selecting router


New Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Hello I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I am hearing but my 10 year old son is deaf. He recently got his free VP 200 from sorenson. The phone works great. The problem is that I had to alter my set up to get it to work. This altering has caused somethings not to work on my PC.

Here is what I have. I have DSL with Speedstream 4200 and a linksys WRT54G. Here is the setup before the VP200 came into the home. Modem was in bridge mode. (Meaning it did not do the logging into the network. It simply provided a way to the network) The linksys router then set to PPPOE to do the logging into the network. This had to be done because the firewall on the modem got in the way of some programs I use. This set up solved those problems.

Here is my set up now. The modem is no longer in bridge mode and does the logging into the network. Then it goes to the Switch the Sorenson people put in then my linksys is hooked to that. They claim the VP200 is not at all compatible with the linksys at all. The modem will only allow one DMZ setting and that is to the phone. (DMZ means there is no firewall protection at all) I am unable to DMZ 2 devices at once. This is again causing firewall issues in some programs on my computer.

So here is what I need to do. (According to what sorenson installer told me) I need to get the modem back into bridge mode so its firewall is not used at all. Then get a new router (They say only Dlink but I bet thats not true) that will do the logging into the network and run the VP200 as well as My system. That will fix the issue with my programs as well as it should run the VP200 provided that the modem is compatible. I have been looking at Dlink routers (Has to be wireless) but they all have very bad reviews. So then what router works best?

Current set up Modem to switch (Switch to VP200 and router) router to system. Causes program problems

This is what I need. Modem to router. Router to system and VP200. This will fix program problems.

Sorry for the length of this. Just trying to clear up any questions.


Just call Sorenson Tech support at 801.287.9403 though Sorenson VRS and they can help you.
I guess I left out a few things. The router ver is 6. I dont know enough ASL to talk with support over VP. My son knows much more ASL than I. He is trying to teach me. I would not possibly be able to get him to sign for me. I know I can use an interpreter to make the call. I would just go get a Dlink like they say but I dont like the bad reviews they are getting. Just looking for someone that has found a router that gives no problems at all. Sorenson will only advise Dlink.

You can call SorensonVRS 866-fastvrs and have the operator call Tech support at 801.287.9403 and they should help you with your Linksys routers, Dlink is just "Recommendation" and does not mean that Sorenson will restrict you to only Dlink, you can call them now if you want to, they are open all the time.

I guess I left out a few things. The router ver is 6. I dont know enough ASL to talk with support over VP. My son knows much more ASL than I. He is trying to teach me. I would not possibly be able to get him to sign for me. I know I can use an interpreter to make the call. I would just go get a Dlink like they say but I dont like the bad reviews they are getting. Just looking for someone that has found a router that gives no problems at all. Sorenson will only advise Dlink.

Dlink works well with these VP's right - diehardbiker?
Yes, Dlink is the orignal manufacturer that makes VP-100 and Dlink I2eye, they know inside and outside of Videoconferencing than any other manufacturers.

Still, most routers WILL work with VP no matter what.

Dlink works well with these VP's right - diehardbiker?
True, and the modems gets better everyday :)

Yes, Dlink is the orignal manufacturer that makes VP-100 and Dlink I2eye, they know inside and outside of Videoconferencing than any other manufacturers.

Still, most routers WILL work with VP no matter what.
Right, and more and more getting recongized Videoconferencing than before and realize the requirement for these protocols assoicated with videoconferencing.
True, and the modems gets better everyday :)
Right, and more and more getting recongized Videoconferencing than before and realize the requirement for these protocols assoicated with videoconferencing.

But still Dlink is always everywhere and I saw a rather large wireless modem which can even cover more than 300m (in my area)
I just took a look in my router options. It seems I can DMZ just one IP. Tomorrow I will play with that and see if the VP200 will work through the current router if it is set to DMZ. Static IP VP to 192.168.1.### then DMZ that number.

Will let you know if it works

VP requires specific ports to be open in order for them to work right, DMZ generally means open all ports to specific device, so you would need to set your VP statically to .125 then enable DMZ with .125

I just took a look in my router options. It seems I can DMZ just one IP. Tomorrow I will play with that and see if the VP200 will work through the current router if it is set to DMZ. Static IP VP to 192.168.1.### then DMZ that number.

Will let you know if it works

You should use both of Sorenson SP 200 router and linksys WRT54G router. Easy to set up.

Set up Modem to switch (Switch to VP200 > SP 200 router > Linksys WRT54G) router to system.

Unplug power of all router and modem.

First, plug power of SP 200. Second, plug power of Linksys WRT54G, and Third, plug power of Speedstream 4200. Check full green lights of modem.

VP200 will work with routers.

Good Luck
Ok I am now trying to get this working with the router and hit a glitch. It is asking for an access code to change the IP settings. My router is 192.168.1.### modem is 192.168.254.###. Without that acess code I cant change the static IP to to make static for the router. Does anybody know this access code? This code is not in the manual.

YOu have to call sorseson Tech, its them who locked them. You will have to ask them for the passcode, unfortunately.
YOu have to call sorseson Tech, its them who locked them. You will have to ask them for the passcode, unfortunately.
Actually the code thing can be bypassed -- by doing a reset on bottom of the VP200 for ten seconds or so.
This is never good idea to do hard reset on VP-200, doing so might result VP being inoperative, calling Sorenson Tech support will help you.

Calling Sorenson Tech support involves no fees, no nothing upfront. There is nothing to pay for, why avoiding call them?

Actually the code thing can be bypassed -- by doing a reset on bottom of the VP200 for ten seconds or so.
you have Linksys WRT54G right?
Linksys Router won't work VP with Linksys's programmer, but DD-WRT will work VP but you need download firmware programmer, but it is brick, your own risk. I am Linksys WRT54GS V4 with DD-WRT perfect 100% VP-200, DD-WRT is freeware, they can both VP-200 and Wireless in one router

Better you read first at

Good Luck

when you login into Linksys set up page

open the browser you have to enter the URL address : to pop up the login

when you got pop up the login : you have to enter the password: admin but user id or user name (leave blank)

after login successful,

you will see basic set up page you do not have to change it and you have to click to "Applications & Gaming" tab and you see "Single Port Forwarding" page do not need to change "Single Port Forwarding" you have to click to "DMZ"

you see "DMZ" page: when you see DMZ is Disabled, you have to change to "Enabled"
you do not have to change "Source IP Address" and selected " Any IP Address"

if you see "Destination" -- IP Address 192.168.1. you have to put 125

click Save Settings then Close Browser

you have to go VP200 videophone: that your VP connected to thorugh an ethanet to Linksys router

you have to click "Settings" then "Network" then "Address"
you have to click Edit when you see pop up "Caution" window if you know the access code you have to enter your access code when you got success for access code to thorugh IP Address Settings

If you do not have an access code you have to call Soresnon VRS Techincal Support at (801) 287-9403 VP to obtain for your access code.

you have to remove " Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP)

you have to modify the settings are:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS: (blank)
Host Name VP200

The router will do for Public DNS automatically.

you are ready to call on VP or VRS.
The WRT54g router will definitely not work with the VP (except possibly with the DD-WRT Firmware mentioned above). I've got one right here and I have been through this many times on this board. The D-Link suggestion is the best way to go, but you could do Modem to Sorenson Router to VP. The WRT54G can then be configured as a wireless access point and plugged in to the Sorenson router to give you wireless access. I just decided to buy a D-link wireless router and not bother with the Sorenson one. That's what I suggest for you.