Hello to everyone, hope this finds you all well. My name is Natasha. I'm an 18year old high school student, and I'm doing a research project for biology class. My topic isn't exactly on the hearing impaired, it's one of those hypothesis form projects, and the question is " Can a hearing child be born to deaf parents?" Obviously through my research to this point I've learned that yes is the answer. Part of my research is to perform the following survey. And I thought I'd ask for your help if you don't mind. I would offer my gratitude in advance for your time and help ! If you have time, please help me by answering the five following questions. It's not only oriented towards the deaf themselves, others can answer as well. I will be printing your answers and using them for my project in class. Thanks so very much !
Natasha B
1. Do you know anyone that is deaf from birth? y/n
2. If so, do they have children? y/n
3. How many children do they have?
4. How many children are normal hearing?
How many children have partial hearing?
How many chilren were born deaf?
5. How many parents of these children are deaf ?
Anything else anyone would like to share would also be very helpful, such as what caused deafness in the parents or children (injury, illnesses, disease, heridity) would be also be helpful.
Thanks again so very much!
Natasha B
1. Do you know anyone that is deaf from birth? y/n
2. If so, do they have children? y/n
3. How many children do they have?
4. How many children are normal hearing?
How many children have partial hearing?
How many chilren were born deaf?
5. How many parents of these children are deaf ?
Anything else anyone would like to share would also be very helpful, such as what caused deafness in the parents or children (injury, illnesses, disease, heridity) would be also be helpful.
Thanks again so very much!