Need Help Please


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Hello to everyone, hope this finds you all well. My name is Natasha. I'm an 18year old high school student, and I'm doing a research project for biology class. My topic isn't exactly on the hearing impaired, it's one of those hypothesis form projects, and the question is " Can a hearing child be born to deaf parents?" Obviously through my research to this point I've learned that yes is the answer. Part of my research is to perform the following survey. And I thought I'd ask for your help if you don't mind. I would offer my gratitude in advance for your time and help ! If you have time, please help me by answering the five following questions. It's not only oriented towards the deaf themselves, others can answer as well. I will be printing your answers and using them for my project in class. Thanks so very much !
Natasha B

1. Do you know anyone that is deaf from birth? y/n

2. If so, do they have children? y/n

3. How many children do they have?

4. How many children are normal hearing?
How many children have partial hearing?
How many chilren were born deaf?

5. How many parents of these children are deaf ?

Anything else anyone would like to share would also be very helpful, such as what caused deafness in the parents or children (injury, illnesses, disease, heridity) would be also be helpful.
Thanks again so very much!


I could also use any personal experiences or information on children that are deaf from other reasons besides hearing impairment, children who have ASL for a a first and primary lanquage, etc. Also any thoughts, ideas, etc that you feel more hearing people should be aware of, as this is an opportunity for me to learn as well as instruct and make aware my entire class. Just about anything you would like to share would be welcome. Thanks again !
Hello to everyone, hope this finds you all well. My name is Natasha. I'm an 18year old high school student, and I'm doing a research project for biology class. My topic isn't exactly on the hearing impaired, it's one of those hypothesis form projects, and the question is " Can a hearing child be born to deaf parents?" Obviously through my research to this point I've learned that yes is the answer. Part of my research is to perform the following survey. And I thought I'd ask for your help if you don't mind. I would offer my gratitude in advance for your time and help ! If you have time, please help me by answering the five following questions. It's not only oriented towards the deaf themselves, others can answer as well. I will be printing your answers and using them for my project in class. Thanks so very much !
Natasha B

1. Do you know anyone that is deaf from birth? y/n

2. If so, do they have children? y/n

3. How many children do they have?

4. How many children are normal hearing?
How many children have partial hearing?
How many chilren were born deaf?

5. How many parents of these children are deaf ?

Anything else anyone would like to share would also be very helpful, such as what caused deafness in the parents or children (injury, illnesses, disease, heridity) would be also be helpful.
Thanks again so very much!


#1. Yes I was born hard of hearing.

#2. I have two children, born with both parent being deaf. Both children are hearing.

#3, #4 and #5 is answered in #2.

My deafness is since birth.

Father due to childhood illness.

To add I was raised orally. Til 1989 I attended to a Deaf school. Parents don't know signs

Ex Hubby. The father was raised in a Deaf school. His parents knew a few signs but mostly oral.
Hello to everyone, hope this finds you all well. My name is Natasha. I'm an 18year old high school student, and I'm doing a research project for biology class. My topic isn't exactly on the hearing impaired, it's one of those hypothesis form projects, and the question is " Can a hearing child be born to deaf parents?" Obviously through my research to this point I've learned that yes is the answer. Part of my research is to perform the following survey. And I thought I'd ask for your help if you don't mind. I would offer my gratitude in advance for your time and help ! If you have time, please help me by answering the five following questions. It's not only oriented towards the deaf themselves, others can answer as well. I will be printing your answers and using them for my project in class. Thanks so very much !
Natasha B

1. Do you know anyone that is deaf from birth? y/n

Yup I am profounded deaf from birth with unknown reason for my deafness and my parents are hearing.

2. If so, do they have children? y/n

Yes I do, I have some friends who are deaf and have children. Some of them are deaf and some are not.

3. How many children do they have?

It varies.

4. How many children are normal hearing?
How many children have partial hearing?
How many chilren were born deaf?

As I said, it was vaires, I have friend who are mother of 4 children, only two of them are deaf, and other have 3 children and one are deaf, it is varies.

5. How many parents of these children are deaf ?

I heard there are only 10 percent of deaf children that has deaf parents so there are deaf children with hearing parents at 90 percent.

Anything else anyone would like to share would also be very helpful, such as what caused deafness in the parents or children (injury, illnesses, disease, heridity) would be also be helpful.
Thanks again so very much!


No problemo :)

Thanks again to both of you who answered. I am still hoping to get more responses! But thank you for your time ! I'm learning a lot with my research, had never heard some of the amazing things, like the babies learning sign sooner than hearing kids learned language.
1. Do you know anyone that is deaf from birth? y/n

2. If so, do they have children? y/n

3. How many children do they have?

4. How many children are normal hearing?
How many children have partial hearing?
How many chilren were born deaf?

5. How many parents of these children are deaf ?

Anything else anyone would like to share would also be very helpful, such as what caused deafness in the parents or children (injury, illnesses, disease, heridity) would be also be helpful.
Thanks again so very much!


1. Yes
2. Yes
3. One
4. One has completely normal hearing.
5. One

Something about your project; your topic isn't that much of a question. If you want to win something, you need to choose a question that isn't answerable just by using common sense about how people lose their hearing and basic knowledge of genetics. You could go a lot further if you chose a topic such as "How do the HoH/deaf lose their hearing", conduct a survey on that, and a few other surveys such as "How were you educated?" "How were your parents educated?".

And just for the sake of political correctness, the term is Hard of Hearing or just deaf/Deaf. Although few people will take offense, hearing impaired implies that you think that there's something wrong with being deaf, that they're incomplete and have a tragic loss.
Thank you

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. Unfortunately my teacher assigned the topic.. so thats why it's in the form it is, and she wrote out the survey for me to have completed.. I apologize if it offends anyone , and will share this, so that perhaps you will see that I do not mean to offend.
I have a low C in this class and I'm trying to keep it as I'm what the school has finally labeled " an LD student" which stands for learning disability. My sister helps me write all my posts. We don't really care for the term "LD" either, as we feel it's a lot of different things that contribute to the academic level I've reached after 11 years in the public school system with parents that were too busy to be bothered. It took an entire semester at a new school to get me into classes which were more appropriate for my learning level, and this class isn't one of them. My sister is a nurse and groans at the homework I have most of the time. It seems pretty advanced most of the time. I have two weeks left of this class, regular eleventh grade biology.
I had to go to the doctor and get " a diagnosis", before the school would qualify me for help at school. Thats after my parents divorced and I moved in with a sister. We also didn't really like having to have a " diagnosis" and be fit neatly into a medical book, of course it was ADHD that they gave me. But I'm just trying to do the best I can to make sure I graduate.
Thanks again, and again apologies, I'm sure that everyone here is no more
"Impaired" than I am " Disabled."
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. Unfortunately my teacher assigned the topic.. so thats why it's in the form it is, and she wrote out the survey for me to have completed.. I apologize if it offends anyone , and will share this, so that perhaps you will see that I do not mean to offend.
I have a low C in this class and I'm trying to keep it as I'm what the school has finally labeled " an LD student" which stands for learning disability. My sister helps me write all my posts. We don't really care for the term "LD" either, as we feel it's a lot of different things that contribute to the academic level I've reached after 11 years in the public school system with parents that were too busy to be bothered. It took an entire semester at a new school to get me into classes which were more appropriate for my learning level, and this class isn't one of them. My sister is a nurse and groans at the homework I have most of the time. It seems pretty advanced most of the time. I have two weeks left of this class, regular eleventh grade biology.
I had to go to the doctor and get " a diagnosis", before the school would qualify me for help at school. Thats after my parents divorced and I moved in with a sister. We also didn't really like having to have a " diagnosis" and be fit neatly into a medical book, of course it was ADHD that they gave me. But I'm just trying to do the best I can to make sure I graduate.
Thanks again, and again apologies, I'm sure that everyone here is no more
"Impaired" than I am " Disabled."

You might want to tell your teacher that she could do with some education on this topic herself. And a bit of diversity training.:giggle: