Ah, didn't pay attention.
Doom3[CC] Source Released
"Doom3[CC] v2.0 source (compatible with Doom3 v1.3) is now available for download. Lately, I've been getting email saying that the mod doesn't work with Doom3. id Software recently released a patch making the latest Doom3 version 1.3.1. This makes the closed captioning mod incompatible with it and many people cannot use it anymore. I wish developers could update games without making mods have to update their source code and release new versions. Unfortunately, I can't update the mod and therefore, I'm releasing the source in the hopes that someone can do the job of porting it to work with D3 v1.3.1. Many people will be very happy! Be sure to get the assets from the official release. If you do port this, let me know so I can praise your work!"