need ASAP please


New Member
May 19, 2004
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it would be greatly appreciated if i could get answers to these questions for my final exam in ASL review or if you could list a link to a website that may have info thanks.

list an example for each

1.personal pronouns
2.possessive pronouns
3."WH" questions
4.yes/no questions
7.signaling devices
8.deaf folklore
9.ASL sentences and order <>how to write it in order, time,topic,ect.<>
11.examples of classifiers
12.directional verbs
13.paramaters of a sign
14.difference between deaf and DEAF
15.negative statements
16.first school for the deaf
17.relay services
18.noun-verb pairs
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Wow, I wish you good luck... usually you should have already reviewed it through out the course... and know the signs for each... I think the list is just giving you ideas of what to review. So try to recollect what you already know...

1.personal pronouns: such as I, you, they, my/mine, etc
2.possessive pronouns: your, my/mine, their, my/our/them-self
3."WH" questions: who, what, when, where, how
4.yes/no questions: you should know the facial expression difference
7.signaling devices: did the teacher demostrate them? phone/TTY signalers, baby signalers, doorbell, etc

and so on.. .I'm sorry I'm not much help but I believe the best thing to do is just review everything you have learned from this quarter/semester.... otherwise you're asking for cheat notes. No offense intended.
thanks for your help and yes you were abig help. i reviewed it all before this but i threw away my portfolios with all my information not thinking about having to look back to answer review questions.............happy birthday by the way was reading some other post and saw it.
might be a dumb question but what are you saying in your avatar it is moving to quick for me to be able to riplead that
zoldamite said:
might be a dumb question but what are you saying in your avatar it is moving to quick for me to be able to riplead that

"riplead"?!? :rofl: Damn, that made my day!
:lol: :D Made my day as well! ;)

As for those questions you needed help with -- sorry, I can't be of any help. Am no expert on this. :P
zoldamite said:
might be a dumb question but what are you saying in your avatar it is moving to quick for me to be able to riplead that

Hehe no lipreading, or ripleading, necessary ;) I wasn't saying anything, I was just making various faces for the animated gif, and I kinda did say "I *blow kiss* to you" I did it for fun. :)

Good luck on your ASL final! Bummer about misplacing your lesson materials.

And thank you for the birthday wishes. I feel *loved* :D
No problem, i will try my best to answer these questions.. :D

1.personal pronouns He, She, Mother, Father
2.possessive pronouns your, mine, his, hers, Mother's, Father's.
3."WH" questions - what, who, where, why, maybe how..
4.yes/no questions, u meant by facial expression or body lang. ?? if so, nodding your head, lower your eyebrows for no , rise your eyebrows for yes, 6.cultures
7.signaling devices, baby cry, doorbell, telephone, knock, computer telephone,
8.deaf folklore you probably meant that, ABC story .. Deaf comedy stand up, deaf play,
9.ASL sentences and order <>how to write it in order, time,topic,ect.<> English : I would like to go shopping with my mother. --> ASL : shop both my mom me will soon
10.classifiers ?? maybe you meant "hand shape of three" use to sign for parking car, recliner
11.examples of classifiers ?? answer above
12.directional verbs forget that one.
13.paramaters of a sign maybe you meant that, just area of your head, chest and hands.. not out of that area..
14.difference between deaf and DEAF .. "deaf" means that impaired hearing person who is not involved w/ deaf culture or community. "Deaf" means deaf person who is involved with deaf culture or community.
15.negative statements .. use the sign of 'hearing' on the front of head means you think hearing which is an insult for some deafies.. hah. I get that once in a while from my deaf friends when I invited hearies over for party etc. dumb.. 16.first school for the deaf. America School for the Deaf in Conn.
17.relay services. web cam or text relay online, video realy D-Link, text tty,
18.noun-verb pairs dunno that one. sorry.[/QUOTE]
hah, i just try my best and don't forget that my hubby is into deaf education. He taught me a lot and involved me. I always want to be deaf education teacher but I choose art field anyway.