National Security Agency - Do you want to know who they are?


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Apr 27, 2010
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If you want to learn about the creation and inner workings of the NSA, read the paperback book called Body of Secrets by James Bamford.

It is a real eye-opener. After reading it awhile back and watching the news lately, I'm becoming just a little more paranoid :eek3:

At NSA's secret city in Maryland, one of their mottos is "In God we trust, all others we monitor."
:ty: for book suggestion. I will rent it. I've driven past NSA in Maryland... it was very eerie. just a big black building.

is the building the black thing toward the front of the picture? do you know what is the other stuff in background?
:ty: for book suggestion. I will rent it....
Be forewarned: it's over 700 pages, small print.
Anchor Books, a division of Random House, Inc. NY
April 2002 (might be a newer edition now)
Includes all the history of the agency

Another quote from the book:

"Behind closed doors, there is no guarantee that the most basic of individual freedoms will be preserved. And as we enter the 21st Century, the great fear we have for our democracy is the enveloping culture of government secrecy and the corresponding distrust of government that follows."
--Senators Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Rob Wyden
US Senate Report, Secrecy in International Domestic Policy Making: The Case for More Sunshine, Oct. 2000
NSA building, MD


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I always tought NSA was cool....maybe these stupid dan brown books gave me the idea:)