Mystery of Motivation! What the hell are you?


New Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Throughout the years, I've been observing the behaviors of motivation and came to several realizations about it that lead to me begging questions about it left and right (oh joy...) so here are my questions and keep in mind, the questions themselves are subjected to unique perspectives and one's own interpretation:

1. Is motivation Biological or Psychological? If it's both, how much of each in percentage and why?

2. What makes Motivation motivation? What is it's defining characteristics and what makes it so enduring for us to want it?

And lastly:
3. Why the hell are you, Mister Motivation, so eluding? In another word, why is motivation so hard to gain and hold onto? Why is it like molesting a slippery eel just to get it's benefits while it's mischievously informing you it's also an electric eel to boot?
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You do realize that a lot of people struggle with motivation and always tries to figure out how it really works just to get it started (i.e. New Years resolution), right? For some people, motivation is quite the slippery mistress, never staying there for them and they become lazy as a result, wondering what went wrong. And many more of such stories out there which causes me to wonder why such things happens to all of us and what we can do to overcome such a thing.

Such is the mystery of the human mind.

Edit: I just realized something. Thank you Beowulf for illustrating my point about motivation by not being motivated enough to put in longer thoughts and settled for just a mere "eh?" comment.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

Maybe motivate yourself to clarify your comment a bit more?
Maybe motivate yourself to clarify your comment a bit more?

Questions have already been stated and asked. Those on it's own are it's own clarifications.

But for the purpose of why I'm asking those questions is because, like I said above, there are many people who wonders why motivation is such a hard thing to maintain and keep such things at full steam. If those questions doesn't make you wonder and think deeper about the functions of motivation...

If that's not enough to "clarify" it for you, then I can't color myself surprised...
I think there's a little of both, depending upon the desired goal. Eating and sex are biological motivators. Getting that extra large tv is psychological.
I think there's a little of both, depending upon the desired goal. Eating and sex are biological motivators. Getting that extra large tv is psychological.

To start with, thank you for replying constructively. (Unlike some others...)

I've met friends that has always told themselves (and in many cases, publicly) that they will "do it...just not yet" or "Oh I want to! But I don't know how" and many others. Yet ironically the only answer in doing it is to do it...that seems to be such a hard thing for many people to grasp and put into action.

So those kinds of encounters I've came across has made me beg the above questions and I merely thought to ask the masses on here to see what THEY think. Perhaps I will finally get some new perspective...or perhaps not.

My job is to make people think. :hmm:
Wirelessly posted

Motivation is just a word that describes our determination to accomplish goals. If there is a lack of motivation, then we're not ambitious enough. It's purely psychological so don't make up excuses for lazy people by saying its biological. It's just like obese people who don't actually have genetic obesity just blaming it on their genes so they dont help themselves.

The more important question than what you just asked is...

What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?

It's 42. Now ponder that!
You're off to a good start (making people think, that is!).

But for many people, I think motivation vs. action it's a personality type. Those who love the challenge of taking on a task; and those who would just as soon let life go by with as few decisions as possible. And depending upon the "carrot at the end of the stick" can affect how eager they are to take on the task.
Throughout the years, I've been observing the
1. Is motivation Biological or Psychological? If it's both, how much of each in percentage and why?

It would be too hard to put a % on it. I would think that it's largely psychological.

See, if I wanted a car with turbocharged engine, I would run and get one.

However, I've a girlfriend. She's not a big fan of car with turbocharged engine. So, we've to discuss whether it's a good idea to get a car with turbocharged engine and the ramifications behind this decision.
Wirelessly posted

Motivation is just a word that describes our determination to accomplish goals. If there is a lack of motivation, then we're not ambitious enough. It's purely psychological so don't make up excuses for lazy people by saying its biological. It's just like obese people who don't actually have genetic obesity just blaming it on their genes so they dont help themselves.

The more important question than what you just asked is...

What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?

It's 42. Now ponder that!

You forgot one important factor here: In order to have psychology, you must have Biology. If you don't have anything Biological, you can't have anything psychological. Which leads to what another person mentioned in here about personality types.

There are people out there that is biologically prone to being passive and submissive as part of a personality trait which can have a biological origin. Then there is the biological ramification of having a genetic disease which really is not the focus here but only serves to show that there are some genetic influences upon our behaviors.

As for the number 42, I'm-I'm ... trying to wrap my mind around such a concept. :shock:
Well, to answer question #1:

1. Is motivation Biological or Psychological? If it's both, how much of each in percentage?

I'd say Frisky's motivation for hiding under the cathouse is both biological and psychological. At 50% each. Mystery solved!
mm if I were a dog, i think the doghouse would have a different meaning depending on context.

Let us assume I am a dog. Doghouses are warm shelters in the winter but it also exile from my master if I displease him and I am not allowed back in his house for a while. Thus my doghouse is not as good as my master's house.