MySpace is not good for you deafies?

It has nothing to do with my computer. It has to do with their approach.

Why have an animated flash photo gallery when MySpace already provides their own photo gallery? Why embed a video when you can simply post a link instead? Why go through the trouble of posting huge animated pictures when it's more meaningful to actually type in "Hey, good morning... how are you doing?" instead?

It's their choice to do it, not mine.
I'm happy with myspace. I've been able to find some old deaf friends on myspace that are not on facebook, and some friends on facebook that are not on myspace. Have tried tagdeaf but didn't really get anywhere with it.
I'm happy with myspace. I've been able to find some old deaf friends on myspace that are not on facebook, and some friends on facebook that are not on myspace. Have tried tagdeaf but didn't really get anywhere with it.

I found my old friends on my facebook which is nice website. I put my comment on top up there about myspace. I have tagdeaf, AD here and facebook are good enough for me but myspace is not right for me, my opinion.

I tell you I feel disturbing about because I feel something wrong about that website. I never heard of this before. What does meek meaning? I researched a bit on internet about this so it say it is word of cult or religious. Have you tried to enter there? I entered first time and had a look around there for a min then I was banned for no reason so I have no idea why. I also I felt that website made me unwelcomed there. It might tracked my ip address then blocked me so It don't allow me to enter there.
I ditched Myspace as it attracted to many porn spammers. Uh-huh, like they are TRULY interested in the person they emailed, I'll bet those employed by these sites don't even look like the girls they are advertising! LOL
I ditched Myspace as it attracted to many porn spammers. Uh-huh, like they are TRULY interested in the person they emailed, I'll bet those employed by these sites don't even look like the girls they are advertising! LOL

like porn slappers on the vegas strip. what a letdown.
I'm not allowed to get myspace,facebook,youtube,etc. because of my parents and because of my saftey. I learned there is alot of stupid people out there wanting to do stupid things. And also scamming too. But I don't really care that much for that kind of crap..
Never joined myspace and never will. It's flashy, overrated, stupid of how people use graphics in there or ways to lure more "friends" to become popular. Opinion, waste of time
I'm not allowed to get myspace,facebook,youtube,etc. because of my parents and because of my saftey. I learned there is alot of stupid people out there wanting to do stupid things. And also scamming too. But I don't really care that much for that kind of crap..

Good for you and your parents! Too many parents allow their kids/teenagers to get myspace/facebook/youtube, etc and therefore exposing their kids to the dangers such as sex offenders, etc.
I saw the SuperNanny show about this. I don't know if it was MySpace or some other similar program. She adviced that parents must know their children's password. She said that it is no way to be spying everyday, but once in awhile, absolutely! This is to make sure that they are not doing innapropriate things on their website.

There were two girls in that household. One was 14 years old, which was the legal age to be on that site. The little sister was 11 years old on that website, and she had a 17 year old boy talking to her and saying mean things to her.

They took the computer out of their room. Having a computer in the room gives them so much privacy. The mother had the excuse that if they're not online, then she cannot get things done. So the SuperNanny had her set boundaries and rules for them.

I agree parents must know what their children are doing online because I see so many dirty things children are doing these days including posing sexy pictures.
I started using myspace a lot less and use FB more cuz I find it easier to keep in touch with peeps on FB and myspace is always making my computer run slow due to the graphics overload.
i always check my kids's myspace when they were in school. you know what? i can dare get though them's passwords then open myspace. it's works!!! i brought software from best buy :naughty:. my kids was pissed of and how i can do that? i can't tell them until when kids get older.
I saw the SuperNanny show about this. I don't know if it was MySpace or some other similar program. She adviced that parents must know their children's password. She said that it is no way to be spying everyday, but once in awhile, absolutely! This is to make sure that they are not doing innapropriate things on their website.

There were two girls in that household. One was 14 years old, which was the legal age to be on that site. The little sister was 11 years old on that website, and she had a 17 year old boy talking to her and saying mean things to her.

They took the computer out of their room. Having a computer in the room gives them so much privacy. The mother had the excuse that if they're not online, then she cannot get things done. So the SuperNanny had her set boundaries and rules for them.

I agree parents must know what their children are doing online because I see so many dirty things children are doing these days including posing sexy pictures.
I watched that one not too long ago - yeah, it was Myspace. I do agree with Jo. I would prefer that the computer be located in the family room where responsible adults are able to see what their children are doing.
the main reason why I closed myspace account cuz tired of bulls**t rumors and backstabs.
I watched that one not too long ago - yeah, it was Myspace. I do agree with Jo. I would prefer that the computer be located in the family room where responsible adults are able to see what their children are doing.

lol yeah you right, kids can't use computer in bedroom, kids yell at us god damn it. but it ok computer in bedroom because no internet on the wall also phone wall too that simple. kids can do homework that all..
the main reason why I closed myspace account cuz tired of bulls**t rumors and backstabs.

i has myspace for 4 years and never plms with rumors and backstabs because i not allow (anyone can look my proflie) so you must change to (friends only can look your profile) that so easy....also teenages has no brain!
i do have myspace, and facebook. i have no plms.. thats why you are required to have anti virus software always updated.. so you wont get virus ... :)

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DeafPenPal :cool2:
Yeah, I remember about Supernanny. I do agree with Jo Frost about myspace is dangerous. The parents have never hear about myspace before. The girls were very addictive to myspace cause bad attitude and misbehave.

If I have kids. I will not let my kids go into myspace until they are mature at age 16. My husband said will set them up private profile to protect from stranger get into my kids' profile. My husband want put computer in kitchen or living room to watch at kids what they are doing.

I saw the SuperNanny show about this. I don't know if it was MySpace or some other similar program. She adviced that parents must know their children's password. She said that it is no way to be spying everyday, but once in awhile, absolutely! This is to make sure that they are not doing innapropriate things on their website.

There were two girls in that household. One was 14 years old, which was the legal age to be on that site. The little sister was 11 years old on that website, and she had a 17 year old boy talking to her and saying mean things to her.

They took the computer out of their room. Having a computer in the room gives them so much privacy. The mother had the excuse that if they're not online, then she cannot get things done. So the SuperNanny had her set boundaries and rules for them.

I agree parents must know what their children are doing online because I see so many dirty things children are doing these days including posing sexy pictures.

Yeah, I can't believe that 14 years old join to AD. That's good for her not allow into facebook, myspace and other. She have to follow her parent's rules. But why she joined to AllDeaf at age 14?? What is the point? Is AD allow for under 17 to join into member??

Good for you and your parents! Too many parents allow their kids/teenagers to get myspace/facebook/youtube, etc and therefore exposing their kids to the dangers such as sex offenders, etc.

It's doesn't matter about virus or anti-virus. Myspace isn't good for your computer's system. It will cause you get into virus and spam. My husband don't really like myspace at all. There is too much spam and ask you for money. Some people do hack on myspace. My husband is a computer programmer. He know it a lot than you do.

i do have myspace, and facebook. i have no plms.. thats why you are required to have anti virus software always updated.. so you wont get virus ... :)

It's same happened to my husband. When I was sitting by him. I saw he got many friend requests by porn ladies. Many women asked him to add her. He deleted them. He don't need them because he don't know who are them. He said he don't like myspace. He prefer to Facebook over myspace. Many stranger men and bands want to add me. I put block on them. I edit my privacy setting and put my last name and email address. So they can't add me unless send me a message to tell me who they are. If They tried to add me. They are scare to send me a message. Toobad for them! I really like facebook more than dumb myspace.

I ditched Myspace as it attracted to many porn spammers. Uh-huh, like they are TRULY interested in the person they emailed, I'll bet those employed by these sites don't even look like the girls they are advertising! LOL
I go to Livejournal more often than Myspace, but most of people consider Livejournal too boring and they prefer Myspace...

Why they demands everything so fancy and cool instead of people's personality, how patheic is this *sigh*

I joined myspace in 2005, my friend from training school told me about this. Then I quit in 2006-07 because it suck and some fake people too. I was just looking around on myspace tube like youtube video. I found another one, not myspace anymore.
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