MyLife Web Site!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009
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I just tried to join My Life web site and it said it was FREE! I filled out all my info and when I tried to use they wanted $$$!! I thought when something was FREE it did NOT cost money! Does anyone use My Life ? I found a friend , he was a teacher of mine and we became friends and I wanted to get in touch with someone that knew my mother. As today is her birthday and she would had been 96 years old. All my friends that knew my mother are done too.
My mom dies 3 years ago and I missing her so much and it also a Jewish Holiday . My life feel so empty without my mother.
I never heard of MyLife, but I am really sorry you are feeling bad and missing your mother.
I also got the info that it was free and after doing all that they wanted money. I opted out of it. Now, I get all this email from them. I unsubscribed, but yet, it's still coming. I now mark it as spam.
I will have to do that too and mark it as spam! I was told it take ten days to stop getting emails , I will have to wait and see if that really does happen! I doubt it!
My Life is the new name for
yeah lots of sites claim free. it only means free to sign-up and give info. whoopee doo.
another reunion site actually let's you send a note to someone. and see if they actually went to your school and what year. It's called 'My Life' stinks... you can't even see if it is the person you want. I would pay if I knew for sure but they don't help.
you can also try or search sites such as or there are a number of them.
good luck
That's sucky. When you see something that looks cool and it ends up costing $$ :(
My Life is the new name for
yeah lots of sites claim free. it only means free to sign-up and give info. whoopee doo.
another reunion site actually let's you send a note to someone. and see if they actually went to your school and what year. It's called 'My Life' stinks... you can't even see if it is the person you want. I would pay if I knew for sure but they don't help.
you can also try or search sites such as or there are a number of them.
good luck

I agree! When I was trying to do a famliy tree I found wed sites saying they're
'free' and I fill all the info and get a list of names to check out , but when I click on a name that I think it the one I want, I am told is going to cost me $$$ to 'read' it! Is a real drag!
Yeah nothing is ever free anymore... They get you to sign up for free, which still helps their numbers out =/ then you have to pay if you want to know anything. Sorry you are missing her :(
Yeah nothing is ever free anymore... They get you to sign up for free, which still helps their numbers out =/ then you have to pay if you want to know anything. Sorry you are missing her :(

Thank you candybrowneyes ! I did have a dream with my mom in it so I got to see her that way, and she was younger and looked beautiful .