She's doing ok. She's having bladder problems from time to time. The trick now is to keep her drained twice a day to keep the infection from occurring in the worse way. It's also comes from what she eats, 3 things that's important to watch for are; phosphorus, potassium and calcium.
The reason for that is because her kidneys which is running below 9% efficiency cannot easily flush out those 3 things. So I measure her intake by watching how much she eats. Each item on her plate must be at least less than 1 gram each. If too much, they can ferment into her system and attack her vital systems, namely one is her heart. It can cause her heart to suddenly stop. It can also cause problems for her bladder as well.
So I have to watch BOTH her renal and diabetic diet 3 times daily. It's alot of work, no easy task.
Overall, she's comfortable, except for when she comes back from her bi-daily renal visit she's cold to the touch as the blood returning from the dialysis machine comes back below temperature, so I throw a blanket on her to warm her up.
Keeping her healthy is a full time job this I can tell you.