my son need a new HA


New Member
Aug 16, 2008
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hi everyone

my son is 7 years old he has sever to profound hearing loss in both ears he was using oticon sumo dm for while now but we lost it last week and give up on finding them so I am considering buying new ones next week I hope you can help me choose I read about oticon chili/safari and it looks good I wanna know if those tow (chil/safari) have more advantage over sumo dm and also if naida phonak has similar products to consider .

I have the Safari (mine's in the P verison) however it runs great (just gonna get the left earhook back on since I broke that off by accident LOL)

for me, the streamer is great use for music and everything!!!!!

(there's peeps here that are rocking the Naidas and there's one user rocking his Naida Q UP)
Both the Oticon Safari and Phonak Naida are good.

Everyone near differently so your son will have to try both as he may like one over the other.

I love my Phonak Naidas but have always wanted to try the Oticon Safari but no other hearing aid is as powerful as the Phonak Naida UP especially in the low frequencies so the Oticon Safari SP didn't have enough power for me :/

I would try both but if you son needs raw power then I would go with the Phonak Naida UP as no other up to date hearing aid is as powerful as the Naida UP.
Thank you guys for the inputs i went to audiolgy today and did PTA test :
Right ear 250:50db ,500:100db ,1000:110db , 2000:110db ,4000:110db 8000:100db
Same on the left ear he inssit on getting a cohcealr implants (my son is 7 years he said he should get soon cause late it wont give him much) and that my kid wont get benfits from any hearing aid this is new doctor .i dont know if i should considor the CI or ignore him and buy new hearing aid