my road trip to ohio on sept 1. any good advice?


good luck for pick a hitchhiker up on Ohio freeway.
extra window wash? It's kind waste space for that and we dont bring windshield washer fluid with us for a long trip. Always check all fluid reservoirs even oil level and transmission level (if it have one) then clean windows and headlamp if need at gas stations during fill up a gas. Most gas stations have windshield washer fluid ready.

I have driven for miles and never seen a gas station. Some cars window wash containers do not hold a lot of cleaner. I had car that had to be filled up a lot.

good luck for pick a hitchhiker up on Ohio freeway.

I was hitchhiking once and two guys stopped for me. It was during the summer and when I got into the car I notice the driver had on black leather gloves. I thought that was very strange and begin to wonder what the guy where planning to do. The driver notice me looking at his gloves and he said " they just pulled a robbery!" I did not freak out I just acted fine with the whole . But I was excepting the polices to show up, they never did.
Here you go:

WebSpawner - Never Pay for a Place to Sleep!

Rest Stops

Is it Safe to Park Overnight in Rest Areas

And to help with your research here's a linky that will direct you to more results: Let me google that for you

If anyone driving car or SUV,

On first link, Interesting :lol: I've done that in downtown city. Any Apartment complex where they do not have "permit" sticker on car nor security gate. I can easily just park there and sleep all night without being bothered. Property Manager (landlord) won't even know it at all. They also assumed that you were just visitor spending night with friend at Apartment.

Walmart parking, I've seen some people parked their car overnight far back from front of WM (200 or so feet away) and they thought you work for WM overnight shift. If you planned to sleep 2nd night, just move your car out for while then back to different spot in same area.

Hotels, you can sneak park back of Hotel parking lot near dark area or park in middle of nearly full parking area. Hotel employees won't noticed anything unusual and you can sleep overnight without worry. They thought it's Hotel Guest's car.

24hr Convenience store parking.. Some few convenience store employees don't bother check side of the parking lot if you park away from the store but within their parking lot. Usually old or rural convenience stores. Don't park like 711 or Quicktrip ect that have constant check/cleaning at parking lot by employees (they're being thumbed by their manager)

There are some neighborhood you can sneak and park some spot that they thought it's their neighbhor having party :lol:


Park at Gas service/Garage where they have too many car on their lot waiting for repair, Park there and be sure to wake up 6 am to get out before Mechanic arrive to clock in hee hgee

Update: Zeroblazer IMed me with steam app in his smartphone.

"Im in south dakota. 505 miles to Wisconsin"
Haha, hope he's still alive and haven't crashed. Lack of sleep is baaad.
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You're lucky ! We have to renew our driving licenses in my state every 5 years!

but our state is only 4 years and my driver license expire every presidential election - 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, etc.
extra window wash? It's kind waste space for that and we dont bring windshield washer fluid with us for a long trip. Always check all fluid reservoirs even oil level and transmission level (if it have one) then clean windows and headlamp if need at gas stations during fill up a gas. Most gas stations have windshield washer fluid ready.

If you want drive in Yukon and Alaska, especially Dalton Highway so you need have a lot of windshield washer fluids with you because windshield will get very dirty so quickly due to mosquitoes, dirt splash, etc.
I use to my AAA card due to when my car break down. AAA tow truck service give me free gasoline, change tires, battery jumper, free towing 100 miles (AAA plus card)
I use to my AAA card due to when my car break down. AAA tow truck service give me free gasoline, change tires, battery jumper, free towing 100 miles (AAA plus card)

Sure but if your car require service like engine problem or starter problem so you will not have any trouble if you use credit card because most car services require you to pay in full before get your car repaired and back.

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