My RIGHTS to keep my Hearing Dog....

Sweetmind said:
Well I do not need a hearing dog. For what?? It doesnt mean that I am so helpless for being deaf. I can see everything around me which is a good enough that I do not depend on my deaf ears. You want it then you ll have to pay all those VET bills and Dog Foods all the time which is your choice to make. I respect that.

It makes sense for Deaf blind to have that hearing dog to protect themselves since they cannot see or hear very well.



I agree with LuvsInk, it is an individual opinion and desire. But, what you may not know is that a hearing dog is not considered a pet AND every vet bill, every bag of food, treats and toys are ALL written off in taxes. Dog needs a bath? Tax write-off. Yes, receipts all over the place (if you're not organized), but it sure beats having to depend on Mace.
If it wasn't for LMM service dog she might not be here! Her service dog save her life more then once ! Her dog is train for 3 differnet things. Amelia is her best friend. You be surprize to see them together. She can sign to Amelia & Amelia understands what she is saying. Amelia learns new signs all the time.
When Amelia save LMM life she wasn't train to save just get help. But Amelia went above the call of duty! We still don't know how amelia did it, But she is a hero. Amelia don't think she is, she was just trying help LMM.
As Pek say, yes Service dog are not pets , They have more rights. Same as if a person harms a service dog they get jail/fines. They get same if they harm police dogs. Working dogs are just as human as you & I ! If person shoots working dogs, They get for muder or temp- muder!
LMM looks around her also, but Amelia is there to help barrier alot of gaps in her life! Some Deaf people have other heath issue then just be Deaf/deaf/hoh... Have you thought about that! Lmm recived Amelia for her other heath issue and they train Amelia also for hearing dog... Help LMM out more!
Hope you learn more about sercive dog by read our relpys!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

:confused: SO AM I if you mind and I dont need ur help. I m not here to point anybody but I am saying what I see in a real life. I can respect people who have a hearing dog but it s not necessary in some ways.

I ll support Deaf rights as always and will not support for the wrong reasons.

NO kidding!!!! Of course I understand what is a hearing dog? Thanks! I am not that duh like you think.

My point is that people turned against American Sign Language so whats the difference between hearing dog and ASL that we need to have in our lifetime? So your negative audist attitude destroy our true language that you think ASL is horrible to deal with. Scoffs!!! Deaf children s need that it s our Deaf rights!

Now u are asking for it. You are kissing their arse because you think oral method only is the best.. Whats the heck going on here?

Thats perfect example for what u are giving me tooooo much confusion and dont understand why are u doing this to those d/Deaf children?

Make up your mind!! sighs

I respect every opinions about hearing dog...

Let me tell you about myself bit.

I grew up with pets... It's not just dog but cat as well. I have many dogs and cats come and go in my life. They bark automaic when the door ringing... I can't see the sense why it's necassary to have hearing dog... They helped me... They barked first before hearing people... Don't you know that dogs and cats hear shape than human? Why educate dog to be hearing dog for... ? :dunno:

I have 2 cats... They heard the door ring before me... I knew straight way someone come when I saw cats jump and stare the door, sometimes ran to door... They noticed that we can't hear their cries outside of door (that's time my sons are not home). What they do is jump on the window to get me attention then I open the door and let cats go in...

Okay, I respect your opinion but I think it's not necassary to have hearing dog... :dunno:
Thats correct, Liebling Thats why I dont need to explain it to them after all you said it all. Thats what I meant. They are smarter enough to know better than that dogs or cats are ability shows that we do not need to train them. It comes out natural that your pets knew you are deaf and help d/Deaf people.

:laugh2: :laugh2: Thats true about the training with animals to be a hearing dog. They do not need to train cuz they do have the sense of feelings and know we are deaf.. Dogs or Cats are not that stupid at all. Thats why I believe in very natural method because it s more of true instinct for these pets. It s the same way in ASL for d/Deaf people.

I used to have a dog and cats however I cannot have it because of allergic and too much hairy all over the house that I dont like very much. Now it s getting tooo expensive on VET bills, Dog foods and etc etc. It s not worthwhile for me to pay all that BS. Also, I will not let anyone with dogs into my place. Sorry about that.

I am still saying it s not necessary to have a hearing dog as well as I can understand for Deaf Blind that would be fit their needs. Again, I am not helpless for being deaf. :dunno: I just dont understand what s a big deal after all we have Deaf accessories that we could use to be equal like Hearing people. like VP, doorbells, and nontraining animals etc if u can afford it.

As for me, I dont have many accessories in my place because I couldnt afford to pay all that. Only flashing light phone for VP, Closed captions, and Flashing Light Doorbell in one room that is necessary for me to have it. Thats all I need and make the best of it. If I miss the flashing light that i dont see which is tough luck.

Assistance dogs are NOT "pets." They are trained to perform specific tasks.

Assistance dogs have access to facilities that "pets" do not. They are allowed in public buildings and transportation that pets are not allowed.

Just because some Deaf people don't need or want assistance dogs why criticize or restrict the choices of the Deaf people who DO want to use an assistance dog?

This is beginning to sound like another CI v. no-CI, oral v. ASL, etc., controversy. I don't understand why people just don't accept the fact that "one-size" DOESN'T fit all, and allow for a variety of choices, or even a combination of choices.

If even members of the Deaf community can't understand and support each other, how on earth do you expect the hearing world to understand or be supportive?
Reba said:
Assistance dogs are NOT "pets." They are trained to perform specific tasks.

Assistance dogs have access to facilities that "pets" do not. They are allowed in public buildings and transportation that pets are not allowed.

Just because some Deaf people don't need or want assistance dogs why criticize or restrict the choices of the Deaf people who DO want to use an assistance dog?

That's true.. they are NOT pets.... I applied for hearing dog couple years ago, and I am not qualify to have one.. because....

-have to stick the rules... I told them impossible..
-dont let the kids "pet" or play with hearing dog.. (once in while yes but not all the times)..
Rules? impossible why.... dont let the kids answer the doorbell, phone rings, baby cry... etc.. impossible.. kids are go after the phone or doorbell.. whats more.. large family can stress service dog..

Right now, Rocky have improved so much.. He now is housebroken :dance: finally.. since i watched dog whisperer shows.. about leash, barking & etc.. we worked with Rocky since 2 weeks.. OMG it showed alot improved and doing great.. Since he been trained, he picks up to help me like.. alert when kids are aguring.. he interupt in and barks at them, then came back to me.. sit by me.. looked at me.. I knew something is wrong.. and.. he alert when the baby is crying.. he sit by them and looked at them.. lol.
whatever constant noise that I didnt reply to.. like timer on oven, smoke alarm, clock alarm.. he bugged me.. but didnt show me which.. but he walks up and down the stairs.. (smoke alarm senstive went off upstair).. so i knew right away..

really, you can do train little things.. main imporant that give pently energy and walk.. dog will become a calm... Since.. Rocky is still "ON GO" because he is cattledog mix.. hes so energertic .. I saw on dog whisperer show that Ceaser put backpack on dog's back with one or two water bottles.. to wear down the energy.. so the dog will not misbehavior at home becuse bored.. I am going to buy that packback soon.. :)
coloravalanche said:
Here is my situation about my hearing dog and the landlord.

I live under HUD for 4 years. I have a hearing dog who lives with me for 4 years. Anyway, the landlord has been trying to get rid of my hearing dog for a long time.

My landlord has been threatening me that there is dog odor in my place. Last fall, I had to go back to dog ears training to prove it to my landlord that my dog is a great hearing dog, so forth.

Anyway, two weeks ago, when I was moping the floor, I accident spilled the bucket on the floor. It got stink so I put paper towels on the floor to let it dry.

I was in a hurry and took my hearing dog to the Vet that day. While I was gone, I was not awared that the landlord sent someone enter my house and check it out. When I got home, I found a yellow note on my front door. It says that the man checked the alarm system. I puzzled. I knew it was against the law for them enter my house without letting me know.

So, I received a letter from my landlord last week that the man saw the paper towels on the floor...he told her that my dog pee on the was NOT true! I explained to the landlord what happened and that I spilled the bucket on the floor, etc. Of course, she refused to believe me.

She said I have 10 days to get rid of my hearing dog OR she will terminate my lease for 30 days! I told her that it was against the law for her to get rid of my hearing dog because I have my dog certificate! She said that she has authority to get rid of my hearing dog and she was told by the Dog Ears Training that she could do that. I called the Dog Ears Training and asked them if that was true if my landlord has authority to get rid of my dog. They said they NEVER said that to my landlord. They told my landlord many times that I have my rights to KEEP my hearing dog for no matter what. So, the landlord LIED!

I contacted the "US Housing Dept" and reported it. The man will help me and straight it out with the landlord. Also, I reported to the "Fair Housing" and file complaint against my landlord. The lady from Fair Housing told me that the landlord or anyone ARE NOT allowed to go in my place WITHOUT notify or let me know.

This morning, I went to Disability Law Office and file report. I am waiting to hear from a lawyer anytime and hopefully will meet with the lawyer soon.

I cant believe that the landlord had the gut to sent the maintaince to spy my home without letting me know before he went in my place!!

Please pray for me that everything will work out. I am going through stress right now because of this situation.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Contact the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. I am a dog hard lover. Dino
Other thing is I dont want to see anybody to abuse the law for a hearing dog issue. I dont believe every d/Deaf person needs that because they love dogs. I dont think it s fair for d/Deaf people s need that needs to be done.

I can understand some d/Deaf people have a hearing dog for a very good reason that I can respect very much. Thats their needs. I have no problem with it and dont want to take it away from them.

Okay now, do they provide a very low income d/Deaf people?? I dont think so. It s not a good idea for them to have it unless it is real NECESSARY to have a hearing dog because of $$$$.

So what do you think every parents are doing it for their d/Deaf children who wants a dog? I feel that it s something not right about it.

Thats what it makes harder to get the law for d/Deaf 's right.
Sweetmind said:
Other thing is I dont want to see anybody to abuse the law for a hearing dog issue. I dont believe every d/Deaf person needs that because they love dogs. I dont think it s fair for d/Deaf people s need that needs to be done.

I can understand some d/Deaf people have a hearing dog for a very good reason that I can respect very much. Thats their needs. I have no problem with it and dont want to take it away from them.

Okay now, do they provide a very low income d/Deaf people?? I dont think so. It s not a good idea for them to have it unless it is real NECESSARY to have a hearing dog because of $$$$.

So what do you think every parents are doing it for their d/Deaf children who wants a dog? I feel that it s something not right about it.

Thats what it makes harder to get the law for d/Deaf 's right.

Have you ever worked with a hearing dog? Do you have any idea as to what they do? First, they are completely obedience trained to behave their very best in public. Second, they alert to many things other than just doors. I work with a hearing dog by choice. Don't critisize me or others who work with hearing dogs because you don't need one. I was born and lived most my life hearing and now I can't and the transition is difficult on me. I chose to use what was available to me to assist me to be more independent. Were you ever hearing, if so, did you wear hearing aids? If you did wear hearing aids whats the difference from you using hearing aids and my using a hearing dog since hearing aids don't work for me? One size doesn't fit all. Everyone copes the best they can and should be applauded for coping and not giving up no matter what means they take to get there. I'm not hurting you or anyone else because I have a hearing dog. The deaf community will never get laws or attitudes changed until they quit bickering amoungst themselves and form an united front. "The needs of the many outway the needs of the few." I applaude anyone who makes the effort to be independent and stand on their own no matter what means available to them they chose to use. As for the money it costs to maintain a service dog, there are programs that assist the financially stapped handlers with everything from Advantage for fleas to medical bills for their service dogs.
????????? Wow it s so unbelievable. My concern is about the Hearing Dog's law. I dont want to see anybody to abuse it. I dont believe every d/Deaf person needs that because they love dogs. I dont think it s fair for d/Deaf people s need that needs to be done.

I can understand some d/Deaf people have a hearing dog for a very good reason that I can respect very much. Thats their needs. I have no problem with it and dont want to take it away from them.

Okay now, do they provide a very low income d/Deaf people?? I dont think so. It s not a good idea for them to have it unless it is real NECESSARY to have a hearing dog because of $$$$.

Thats what it makes harder to get the law for d/Deaf 's right. You have to remember ADA does not apply for d/Deaf people in many ways.. There are too many getting away with it from those people who have a negative view about the deafness for years and years. So therefore it s no good ADA for us for many reasons. Oh well! open your eyes and think twice before you are saying. The problem is that deafies with negative audist attitude make people thinks u are functionally hearing while you are legally deaf.. Oh Please!! Thats very bigotry attitude toward deafies.

Okay here is my question: So what do you think every parents are doing it for their d/Deaf children who wants a dog? I feel that it s something not right about it.

Number one: Force d/Deaf children to have the HA or CI device and orally speaking that destroy our Deaf adaption from their very early age. So they cannot be deaf as well as it is for a wrong reason.

Number two: Now you are saying HA is not helping some d/Deaf children then created a new device CI. It doesnt even help much anyhow they are legally deaf and capable to hear the sounds like a Hearing aid with a different level sound to gain. Whoppee doo!!! Whats more!!! You think it s the best thing to have oral method only then prove it to me. If so then why would you need a hearing dog while you have hearing aid or CI? I can understand for those people with Ha or CI who have their vision problems that is important for them to have a hearing dog. Thats a very reasonable necessary to have it for them.

Now you want extra aides to have a hearing dog because somebody love a dog. ***Stratch my head** and says whats the heck going on!!! You are asking too much or being so greedy to get everything you want not needs while you have your own CI or HA equipments or Deaf accessories in your home that should be able to help you with Hearing people in many ways but it isnt necessary as far as I know it so. What about us Deaf Needs to have the natural method that works so well for our natural Deaf adaptions? I just dont understand it anymore. What do you want more from us now?

I am Deaf without Hearing Aid device and doesnt need a dog because I am not helpless as those people put us down for what we can do with ASL. I am a natural legally deaf and finally found ASL works for me to understand better and capable to express my true inner soul, mind, and body with between Hearing and Deaf people. It s way much better than your own gutter artificial sign language by hearing and deaf oralism created it and doesnt really accept you for who you are from the start. That gives u a mixed message that you cannot able to do it because you are legally deaf. AND They are making a big $$$$$$$ to conform you and trying to manupilate you for not who we are or what we are.

If I want a typical dog, I ll make sure he knows what I use their good instinct by natural method not trying to control dog's life. Discipline only that I would have done it. Thats not how I treat people like that. Thats what it gives me impression that negative people influenced others how they think it has to be this way while it s very offensive for me. I just dont feel too comfortable about everything for what people s prejudice or discrimination affects us like that. It needs to be stop this abusive going on for years and years.

When will we get the better relationship between Hearing and Deaf? NO more on one sided.

Thats how I get the impression to destroy our d/Deaf children 's true identity and our true language in our American Sign Language to eliminate the term "DEAF" and our hands that makes a huge difference between Hearing and Deaf people with a good attitude.

ASL and Signed English combines altogether as equal that helps us deafies and d/Deaf Blind with their brialle code. You think ASL makes us not to speak our d/Deaf voices. I find this is a real outrageous for you to think that way. I will say it s good to have oral speaking with ASL because it s from word to word that we can understand it better. Thats our oral method survival kit that we need to have the encouragement of fun things to learn which is fine with me but force or conform or manipulate us into a hearing person that is out of the question. Does it makes sense to you? Dont expect us to hear like a hearing people can normally hear or speak well or read their kind of different lip movements 100 percent. Face the Deaf Reality!

I did it all you gave me those tools all those years but I never got ASL in the classrooms if you mind.. I did the best I could do since I was being forced to do this and that with too many artificial languages that does NOT make me understand everything in ENGLISH 100 percent or understand the concept of english language fully. Thats what you did it to me. I have done the best I can do for myself not for you.

I am very discouraged people are abusing d/Deaf children way too much for years and years.. IT NEEDS TO BE STOP. Get on with the natural method of ASL and enjoy with A LOVE and BOND between parents and d/Deaf children that is the most important thing in our life. It is way much better than having all those artificial languages.. Thats our Deaf adaption that it should allow their children to have that chance to be themselves as a Deaf kid first. Sighs! People are hurting you with your own struggles. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior patttern that continue until todays from the past years. So therefore you dont need a hearing dog. That gives me the impression, thats how I see it.

It s all about ATTITUDE AND GREEDY MONEY so they treat us like a puppet that I dont like the feelings at all.

Thats how I am seeing this all over place. I know Truth hurts because I want to stop this crap going on or give too many mixed messages toward d/Deaf children NOW. Ahem! I thought you are not disabled for being deaf.

Hearing Blind and Deaf blind or Vision impairment people does need dogs to quide them when they are independent. It makes sense for a dog to be training for d/Deaf blind's needs.

:sure: :sure: Are you telling me that I am not independent because I m legally deaf with no vision problem and no hearing aid.? I am too confused to listen your opinions. :wtf:

:ty: for your time to read it.

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You are so off topic. This thread was about service dogs and the civil rights of their handlers. I think you should read the thread from the beginning and maybe then you can grasp what we all were talking about. You obviously have an agenda. Why not start your own thread about that. In the meantime, my dog Max and I will keep on truckin.
I am sorry this is not off topic that I did talking about a dog/ a hearing dog. I can see somebody doesnt get it. what a pity! or what a denial of urs!

I dont feel that someone can walk all over and disadvantage of Vision impairment and Hearing/Deaf Blind 's needs. Just like I dont feel someone can walk all over and use an excuse to disadvantage of ASL to make it look bad tool that people throw it away the best communication between Deaf and Hearing that works so well. Also it helps visual impairment and Deaf blind with ASL while they are using tactile sign language. Why haterd and destroy our true language in ASL?

I am not going to destroy and disadvantage Vision impairment / Deaf bliind s rights and feel it s not right for me as a Deaf person with no visual impairment to use a hearing dog. Thats the purpose for Deaf Blind to have it not for a Deaf people who doesnt really need it because they keep saying "I am not disabled" after all you agree what people with audist attitude to conform us and had done so we can function hearing. Scoffs!

It does not make any sense for anybody with HA and CI device to abuse and take advantage of it that you dont really need to have a hearing dog while u can see well. You said U can hear everything with a device however I THINK NOT!

I feel that it should help d/Deaf Blind people with low income when they need a hearing dog.. Now everything cut off the budget because of stupid President Bush decided to use money for WAR not helping people who need it badly, Dont destroy and abuse that opportunity for Visual Impairment and Deaf Bliind's needs.

As far as I know some d/Deaf blind or visual impairment do not want to have a hearing dog because it s too expensive and too much hassle and work to take care of. So they use the cane. It shows me they are a very strong and independent while u are giving me the impression that Deaf people are having a real double disabled because they dont allow us for being deaf or legally deaf. They are wasting time to push those d/Deaf children all those years after all they are making a huge mistake and hurting d/Deaf children.

I dont feel that d/Deaf children need to depend on the equipment so they can functionally hearing because they have no their rights to be "me", myself' and the whole of me as a Deaf person and our adaption needs. They did it to those d/Deaf children to be helpless for not capable to speak their rights after all.

I dont think Hearing people are gonna to have a Deaf dog because they can hear. **sarcastic** so therefore Deaf people with no vision problem are gonna to have a Hearing Dog because they can see. What the heck going on here!

People took over ASL so they can use the oral method only.. People took over a hearing dog so they can have their rights so they are getting more disabled for not able to adapt their own deafness.. Ahem! I find this is outrageous.

I assume that you are allowed to destroy our Deaf adaption after all you cried out to depend on the materialism all the time that does not really necessary. You are giving the wrong impression about d/Deaf people 's capablities.

Just be careful what u are asking for. Sighs!

Leave it alone s for those needs for their secondary disability. Thanks!

Have a great day! ;)
It is a matter of comfort level no matter how you look at it. Personally, I don't have a hearing dog because I function just fine without one. I do have a useless little Pom that pees and shits all over the place and his idea of protection is simply barking when someone comes to the door. As far as intruders, he wouldn't stand a chance.

Anyway - back to what I was saying - if a deaf person feels more secure having a hearing dog, then that's their choice. It doesn't matter if it's necessary or not.

If "a hearing dog" is too expensive to feed, maintain, too much of a hassle to walk, whatever - then guess what? So are cats, so are hamsters and birds, so are fish, etc. Point is, people take animals into their homes because they WANT to. Caring for any animal - pet or not - is a long-time commitment. Personally, no, I don't think it's mandatory (maybe that's a better word than 'necessary') to have a hearing dog if the person is comfortable without one.

Now, the original topic pertains to RIGHT to keep the dog - If the person is deaf, then yes, they have every right to fight to keep the dog legally as an aid to them. If they FEEL they need one, then who are we to judge?

I'd recommend a good disability lawyer if this is the case with the person who is having issues with keeping her hearing dog. I wish ya luck!

PS - Sweetmind - since friggin' WHEN does it matter if your eyesight is good? Is that going to help you when you're sleeping and someone breaks into your home? No, it won't. Is it going to help you when your back is turned? Again, no. My advice to you is to get your head out of your ass and try to consider other people's opinions for a change. You may have your own opinions, but that doesn't "necessarily" mean other people have to see it your way.
PS - Sweetmind - since friggin' WHEN does it matter if your eyesight is good? Is that going to help you when you're sleeping and someone breaks into your home? No, it won't. Is it going to help you when your back is turned? Again, no. My advice to you is to get your head out of your ass and try to consider other people's opinions for a change. You may have your own opinions, but that doesn't "necessarily" mean other people have to see it your way.

You are making a big deal out of it since it 's the same thing happens to Hearing people even they have a dog. Someone can stabbing the dogs or poison the dogs that doesnt know what's it in there that you cannot see. There are no way to prevent that happens 100 percent. "RME" It is not a perfect world that we live in since they dont have any respect for people s life itself.

My advice to you is to get your head out of your ass and try to consider other people's opinions for a change. You may have your own opinions, but that doesn't "necessarily" mean other people have to see it your way.

Nice try! My advise to you is to look up your own mirror and say it aloud for me, please since it s your words not mine. ;) I cannot hear you very well that you need to say it out louder that still strikes you back again. ;)

Keep that up please!
We actually dont really need a hearing dog because we have the advanced technology now like flashing light phone, flashing light doorbell, flashing light fire/ smoke alarm and etc etc as you name it.

Okay now, The dogs have their sharp senses that a person is deaf and protect her/him. Thats a very strong instinct that it has been a very natural feelings. Dog knows it very quickly.

I was raised on a farm when I was a little girl. I didnt have any Deaf accessories at that time except Hearing Aid device / batteries (rme). At that time, I was not functionally hearing and I am still not functionally hearing in today's . Keep that in your mind. ;) I loved dogs very much.

1. Someone knocked the door meanwhile he jumped off the floor and ran to the door so I know someone is there or it might be nobody whatever a dog heard something.

2. I was being a good mischievous gal with my dog. I was making a noise as I just wanted to see if he hear something and get the right direction that the sound comes from. He knew where the sound comes from. Thats when I had learned to love and bond with my dogs because those dogs and I have a great communication with body language / facial expression that relates to ASL without my knowledge at that time. Also, I had seen a dog to understand a person who signed ASL to it. Thats when it hits me hard and realized it a while ago and wish I could have ASL thats work so well at that time.

3. One dog from my neighborhood, it was so afraid of me because of my deafness. I was shocked at that dog. I tried to pat him meanwhile he doesn't want me to touch him. I respect that. Thats what I realized it now from the past.

4. My mom called for me from outside that my dog did guiding me to the house. It was not even close to my house because I knew mom wanted me to come in the house. Wow, I never thought of it myself until someone brought up about a hearing dog few years ago.

5. I find this is real interesting that I was talking to someone who had a dog and lived on the farm.. She said her dog knew where she was at meanwhile her mom followed the dog.

Now you see what I am saying. Those dogs are so amazing that doesnt really need to train.. I rather to follow up with their natural instinct since it s somewhat free training cost I am not paying for them ( I ll tell you why later). Something that we deafies can teach in appropriate behavior ourselves that is no big deal. We can do it ourselves.

Thats why I dont feel like I am too disabled as you think it is disability on deafness.. I m really confused with you people who cried out about * Deafness is not disability. Thats the whole point here that it strikes me hard. Now u want a hearing dog because u are legally deaf. AHEM!!! ...

following it up
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I can understand for Latened Deaf s struggle to adapt their deafness. Thats a very reasonable for her or him to have it. I respect that because she or he is dealing with a big step to change from hearing to deaf. It s tough case. As for me, I m used to it since I was born deaf.

Also ASL does the work for all of us , hearing parents , d/Deaf oralist, H/D babies, Dogs, monkey, and you can name it. People can teach dog with ASL with no doubt. That's a real remarkable true language. That's our greatest gifts that is a very reason for us to have ASL. It doesnt show a very low intellectual or poor social skills if you mind.

Also, I dont agree to have a hearing dog into the restaurant. What is the purpose of doing that? It shows me that deafies are so helpless. I can communicate with them in many ways. Orally speaking and body language / facial expression that I showed them that s the way we are. I am not fast - speaking like a hearing person. It s more comfortable for both because they understood me with body language and facial expression with oral speaking like from word to word in a very slow speed. One to one that I have no problem most of time however it s still the limtitation communication. However hearing people are still prejudiced and discriminated toward us that I still dont understand it at all. Orally speaking alone is out of the question because it s waste my time to say it over and over after all I spoke fine as I know it so. Heck with this orally speaking itself alone and doesnt help me to particpate the conversation because of my deaf voices as well as hearing people prefer hearing voice to listen. Just like what Liebling:))) said in Oral vs ASL category.

Now its Adaption itself that we have the right to use our own natural feelings that relates our being deaf itself. I never had a chance to adapt my own deafness for many years until ten years ago I worked with a very good Deaf Leader who is Deaf and ASL, He noticed that i was struggled myself and didnt know anything about deaf issues for many years. He gave me many things to think about that I never knew that works for me and feels good about me , myself, and whole of me as being deaf. I know I will always be deaf and am not ashamed of it anymore, no matter how people try so hard to conform me a hearing child that never works. That's who I am or what I am that you refused to listen those deafies like me who were suffering and too angry about the loss of communication that we could have the chance to use ASL, too long. After I learned so much about my own adaption and am still learning because it is not easy because I was brainwashing to be a Hearing person that hurts my true identity and my written english because of oral method only that forced me to deal with. It is totally wrong for anybody do this to those d/Deaf children. It was totally very unfair since we get ONE sided only that many parents doesnt even know the truth about those d/Deaf children went through behind their backs. Believe it or not! I used to hate myself and my deafness but NOT ANYMORE .. PAH! I finally found "my own true identity" before it s too late or live with a big SUFFER until I die.

You better believe that I will never regret for being deaf or am legally deaf with my hands to speak that I want the whole world to see the true d/Deaf people in this society. That way they wont prejudiced or discriminated about our deafness and hands if you mind.

Hearing people deserve to know the truth about us deafies and our needs that comes first before u conform or manipulate d/Deaf children into a hearing person. So be it!

Thank you for your time to read it. ;)

Happy Reading! ;)

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Sweetmind said:
We actually dont really need a hearing dog because we have the advanced technology now like flashing light phone, flashing light doorbell, flashing light fire/ smoke alarm and etc etc as you name it...
But you can't carry all that stuff with you. :D

It is wonderful that people have a choice: technology or dog or BOTH, or even "none of the above"!
Other thing is.. Hearing people are making money on us for years and years. Most of us cannot afford to buy everything we need. Why bother to charge us a very high price for those accessories. You give them a chance to become rich while their attitude are still prejudice, second class citizen, discrimination, ignore our ASL needs, Deaf rights that ADA is not working so well for us deafies in usa. Too many deaf oralists with HA and CI dont have a good job so why is that?? I know why? Because we still dont understand the concept of english written or language from the start while we were tooo busy to learn how to speak and listen those devices that doesnt make us understand you everything without ASL. We miss out a lot many ways since we are not a perfect lipreader 100 percent as you think we can hear and speak as a functionally hearing. SCOFFS!!. That s a big lie to many parents who are very innocent and make their mistakes that is too late for them to prevent their d/Deaf children from damage their own property body especially CI interfere our d/Deaf adaption in very young age. So they took ASL away from us deafies and and our rights.. I just dont understand this anymore.

Many things are not necessary and wasting money to spend on it. however I do not need to have too many things that makes them rich. They are still prejudice / discriminate toward us that it doesnt make any sense.. Thats why I quit everything that I dont have to support hearing people to become rich and take advantage of us deafies.. I am not licking my own lollipop as of u know what i mean. I prefer the natural methods than having many artificial materials to depend on too much that doesnt help you to adapt your own deafness from the start.

ASL does help me to understand it clear with body language/ facial expression/ with a emotional tone while hearing people can tell the difference in their voice tone while we dont and make them think that we are yelling or shouting that we did not on purpose, So thats how I feel abusive by these audist attitude people who tried to threat or harrass me or anyone who stood up for d/Deaf children s NEEDS and RIGHTS. In the past many ASLers were very successful on their jobs with or without orally speaking. So why take that away from d/Deaf chlidren alike me that it helps very much between Hearing and Deaf people.

Sweetmind said:
...Also, I dont agree to have a hearing dog into the restaurant. What is the purpose of doing that? It shows me that deafies are so helpless. I can communicate with them in many ways. ..
Ummm, I don't think the dog is there to communicate with the wait staff.

I'm not going to judge the reasons why someone takes a service dog into a restaurant. That person doesn't have to justify his/her reasons to you or me.

I suppose one reason could be that while the Deafie was out on the town for the day he/she got hungry and thirsty. That is why most people go to restaurants. If the Deafie has the dog with him/her it would be natural for both of them to go into the restaurant together.

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