My question about kiwi bird and eggs..


Active Member
Oct 15, 2006
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I was shocked to learn that a kiwi bird is about the size of a chicken but their eggs are almost the size of ostrich eggs. The egg take up 25% of the body. What I want to know if the egg is more like rubbery or spongy as they lay the egg???? They'd better be or the bird is in for alot of pain!!
I don't have a clue to the answer but the question is hilarious.
I was shocked to learn that a kiwi bird is about the size of a chicken but their eggs are almost the size of ostrich eggs. The egg take up 25% of the body. What I want to know if the egg is more like rubbery or spongy as they lay the egg???? They'd better be or the bird is in for alot of pain!!

Either way their vaginas by nature shall be loose like a dwarf walking through a cave.
Either way their vaginas by nature shall be loose like a dwarf walking through a cave.

Yeah, it is possible for a kiwi bird to have a huge orifice for the egg to pass thru. I am hoping somebody from Australia or New Zealand would know the answer to my question. :)
Beats me!....:giggle: :giggle: but seriously, good question! kinda' odd, but hope someone comes up with the answer.
This Kiwi Bird is flightless. They should not have problem with big egg for smaller bird without flying.

[ame=]YouTube - Kiwi lays egg[/ame]
Thanks Reba for the video. Looks like the orifice is not huge and it must be rubbery to get the hard egg thru. It doesn't look like that the bird is in any real pain. Thanks for the info.
Thanks Reba for the video. Looks like the orifice is not huge and it must be rubbery to get the hard egg thru. It doesn't look like that the bird is in any real pain. Thanks for the info.
You're welcome. It was interesting to watch.
Interest!!! Kiwi bird must be comforted when the huge egg release! :shock:
Depend on which Kiwi birds... ie: Okarito rowi Kiwi - both male and female take it in turns to look after the egg. While other Kiwis species only the male look after the egg.

I've never seen a real Kiwi eggs in real life. But yes I have seen real Kiwi birds at Auckland Zoo and at the bird vet clinic when a young wild Kiwi came in with a broken leg.

They all are nocturnal birds.
Either way their vaginas by nature shall be loose like a dwarf walking through a cave.

Field history lesson for you PFH. Both male and female birds have a "cloaca", which is for everything.

No vagina involved. :cool2:
I guess, if you are a bird. :shrug:


Yeah, I had chickens growing up. Most of the eggs usually had some sort of, um, "extras" covering it.

I stopped eating eggs a long time ago.
Not the Dodo, though. :|
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