my private message



I noticed when I sent private messages to few people here that hasn't replied me back...Is it because they havent received it or just dont want to reply me back? :squint:
coloravalanche said:
I noticed when I sent private messages to few people here that hasn't replied me back...Is it because they havent received it or just dont want to reply me back? :squint:

That's good question. Same happened to me before. But I don't use the PM that much. Ask someone abt it because I don't know why. :dunno:
coloravalanche said:
I noticed when I sent private messages to few people here that hasn't replied me back...Is it because they havent received it or just dont want to reply me back? :squint:

That's because they are probably too busy having cybersex in their private messages...
:rofl: at Nuty! Was it you and Catmandu too busy having cybersex? :lol:
It could be several reasons why some people don't respond back,

They could be busy or didn't see the PM, or they may have got it but decide to ignore the PM, when that happens do not send them another PM, just let them be, it's depends on what the PM is about, some people can choose to ignore it when it may be related to an agruements, or rather not to discuss it anymore..I know some people don't like the silence treatment, but it can also help you realized who your friends are and who isn't if you are only trying to get to know the person personally in PM, but look at the bright side , you can always make new friends ..

I hope this helps answer some of your questions you may have.... :dunno: