My Pitbull.

...... Bango quoted ..... to believe that a certain breed don't attack. All dogs are capable of attacking, period......

I second that ... Two small dogs bit me at my work. One bit my finger but that was my fault - I approached him in the wrong way .. he looks a cute little creature - Bichon Frise but nope! He was frightened as he was brought in for a surgery (I was told he is an unfriendly dog anyway) and the other one bit my face because he was in pain. Well his owner told me to pick him up which I did. I dropped him to the flooor gently and left immediately after I got bitten. My supervisior took over and she was also told to pick him up. She refused and walked him even he had a sore back leg. That small dog is Dashaud .. Most dogs are capable of biting.

If approach the dog in the wrong way. For ex: NEVER Bend down and pet on top of its head abruptly -without allowing sniff your hands first but not tooo close! The dog will feel threatened by you and your hand. Watch for its hair sticked up in its back and tail .. and ears perked backward. Stay still or walk slowly away from the dog. Never stare at the dogs!
