My new film about my Broken Cochlear BP100


New Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Dear forum readers,

As I write this, I am sad because my BP100 is in the shop. So I'm not hearing in stereo, and I was laid off from my job and I don't have any health insurance to pay for my audiologist to fit me with a loner BAHA model. This is the sixth time the thing has cracked and malfunctioned! I treat it so good and it is frustrating that it is doing this!

I made a very short awesome Youtube movie about my malfunctioning BAHA

BP100. Check it out!


So anyone have any idea why the trifield meter is going berserk?

And why does Cochlear take up to 6 weeks to fix their BAHAs? Their customer service is so bad it is ridiculous. I talked to Oticon, which makes the Ponto, and they said their hearing aids were fixed in ONE DAY. What is wrong with Cochlear? Thanks for reading!

Thanks for all your support and help.

Peace out,
-Old One Ear
I believe that your trifield meter behavior is normal. Since your meter is using an analog display the coil that is attached to the needle is being affected by the strong magnetic field that is being produced by your BP100 in order to vibrate the metal post that is bone attached. If you are using a digital meter is may not show the same behavior as your analog meter. I used to carry an analog meter in my old job and the meter will go crazy in strong magnetic fields like being close to the building power transformer. I am sorry that you are having issues with your BP100 and taking so long to get it repaired.
Thank you John57. I thought it might have been something like that. Usually with a man-made electrical field, the needle indicates the intensity, but it remains still and doesn't jump around. Interesting thing is, my BP100 didn't have this effect on the Trifield meter when I first got it, so somethings out of whack. Thanks for replying, and have a great day!

-Old One Ear
I'm sorry. My daughter uses Advanced Bionics and they always send replacement parts BEFORE they ask for yours.
I'm sorry. My daughter uses Advanced Bionics and they always send replacement parts BEFORE they ask for yours.

Agree -- that's just awful to make you wait. I've never had Cochlear make me send first and wait for repair, either. Publicizing your plight (and sending them this video) might get them to clean up their act.
I had a BAHA once and just thinking about it makes my head hurt where it once used to be! How weird is that!
Thank you all for your support and your kindness. And your understanding. I have never had much contact with any of the deaf community and other hard of hearing folk. I grew up with parents that did not think being born with one ear was significant enough to warrant any special sort of accommodation or action. They did enroll me in speech therapy for four years. It baffled my parents that I could not speak correctly. I was never given the option to learn to sign either. My parents, the uptight mainstream suburbanites they were, are still, to this day, in complete denial of my "old one ear" deafness (hard of hearing I'm not sure how to put it without offending anyone.)

I called Cochlear yesterday. I spoke with a man and he seemed nice. Even though I had the tracking number and my BP100 was signed for by their repair facility in Colorado on the morning of October 15th, they cannot find it. He said he would call me back and never did.

I also had a job interview yesterday too. I forgot how difficult it is to understand verbal questions without my hearing aid. I was interviewed by several people at once and I realized just and how much I rely on body language, lip reading and other cues just to tread water in a social situation. My rapt attention to all of these things I'm sure came across as unbalanced anxiety and desperation. I probably didn't get the job.

I really appreciate everyone's understanding and kindness on this forum. Thank you again.


Old One Ear
colorado!! oh no

Thank you all for your support and your kindness. And your understanding. I have never had much contact with any of the deaf community and other hard of hearing folk. I grew up with parents that did not think being born with one ear was significant enough to warrant any special sort of accommodation or action. They did enroll me in speech therapy for four years. It baffled my parents that I could not speak correctly. I was never given the option to learn to sign either. My parents, the uptight mainstream suburbanites they were, are still, to this day, in complete denial of my "old one ear" deafness (hard of hearing I'm not sure how to put it without offending anyone.)

I called Cochlear yesterday. I spoke with a man and he seemed nice. Even though I had the tracking number and my BP100 was signed for by their repair facility in Colorado on the morning of October 15th, they cannot find it. He said he would call me back and never did.

I also had a job interview yesterday too. I forgot how difficult it is to understand verbal questions without my hearing aid. I was interviewed by several people at once and I realized just and how much I rely on body language, lip reading and other cues just to tread water in a social situation. My rapt attention to all of these things I'm sure came across as unbalanced anxiety and desperation. I probably didn't get the job.

I really appreciate everyone's understanding and kindness on this forum. Thank you again.


Old One Ear
get a CI repaired in colorado? egads woman you need to be warned that the leader of the anti-CI hisself lives there - Post From Hell !!! no wonder the CI ain't working another sabotage by the dark one hisself
"the leader of the anti-CI hisself lives there - Post From Hell !!!"

I'm sorry I do not know who that is. I am new to all of this.

"another sabotage by the dark one hisself"

I do not believe that this "dark one" can sabotage my stupid hearing aid. Idiotic design flaws, horrible customer service, and months long repair turn around times are creating my current situation. I will describe life without my hearing aid as:
"Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of DEAF,
I will fear no evil."
I consciously cultivate love, compassion and peace in my heart, so I'm immune to dark forces. My physical body and my BP100 are not immune to the second law of thermodynamics, aka, entropy always increases.
"the leader of the anti-CI hisself lives there - Posts From Hell !!!"

I'm sorry I do not know who that is. I am new to all of this.

"another sabotage by the dark one hisself"

I do not believe that this "dark one" can sabotage my stupid hearing aid. Idiotic design flaws, horrible customer service, and months long repair turn around times are creating my current situation. I will describe life without my hearing aid as:
"Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of DEAF,
I will fear no evil."
I consciously cultivate love, compassion and peace in my heart, so I'm immune to dark forces. My physical body and my BP100 are not immune to the second law of thermodynamics, aka, entropy always increases.

Check out his profile. - View Profile: posts from hell

I'm sorry to hear about your hearing aid is broken and of course, it is painful not have health insurance. :(
Hi there,
Hope you'll enjoy spending time on AD and getting to know the folks here. Most of us don't bite ;)

Hope your CI will be fixed very soon.

I, too, have noticed it's not as easy to lipread people if one does not have HA or CI on.

flower child

"the leader of the anti-CI hisself lives there - Post From Hell !!!"

I'm sorry I do not know who that is. I am new to all of this.

"another sabotage by the dark one hisself"

I do not believe that this "dark one" can sabotage my stupid hearing aid. Idiotic design flaws, horrible customer service, and months long repair turn around times are creating my current situation. I will describe life without my hearing aid as:
"Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of DEAF,
I will fear no evil."
I consciously cultivate love, compassion and peace in my heart, so I'm immune to dark forces. My physical body and my BP100 are not immune to the second law of thermodynamics, aka, entropy always increases.

ah, a flower child at heart. i have heard that the most radical 60's counter culture types hid out in the northwest states. are you now living in a commune ?
You are right on DDU. I am a total hippy. I wish I lived in a commune. Communes are awesome.

So is it only partial lip reading when total lack of sound prevents comprehension? It's good to know that others experience this. Thank you again, all readers for your support on this forum.

get a CI repaired in colorado? egads woman you need to be warned that the leader of the anti-CI hisself lives there - Post From Hell !!! no wonder the CI ain't working another sabotage by the dark one hisself

i am not anti ci :) a lot of my friends have CI.

I just say it's not that necessary if you know ASL.
I think it is funny how some people don't understand PFH very well. To the point that they make ignorant jokes about him.
that's terrible that Cochlear can't find your hearing aid. hope they find it, fix it and get it back to you soon!
ci meanie

I think it is funny how some people don't understand PFH very well. To the point that they make ignorant jokes about him.

how quickly we forget. you may have forgotten PFH's old tag line which took a poke at CI as well as his recent thread again poking fun at CI's. i just jumped on that with BROAD humor.
but if you feel the need to berate me on this BROAD humor then feel free to whip me into submission. now where do i sign up for the PFH 's fan club?
It is too bad that you dont know ASL nor had the opportunity to get involved with the Deaf community. Good luck with everything.

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