In July my Mom of 57 yrs became suddenly deaf- My younger brother died suddenly (from using Ambien sleep medicine) and then within 2 weeks my Mom became 100% deaf.
The doctors say she has some rare brain virus.
Now were trying to get her covered with SSI to help her pay the bills.
She was forced to stop working as she became ill with extreme vertigo. She often wakes up around 4am and vomits for 1 hour. Driving to doctors appointments we need to bring a vomit bag
Pure Joy!!
Does anyone have any experience with SSI Disability? Im trying to get my Mom setup so I can move on with my life. I had to leave my wife in China to come live with my Mom, which I am happy to do. But I also have a wife and children to take care of and my Mom refuses to leave the USA.
Any help, ideas, suggestions would be wonderful!!!
We live in Santa Cruz, CA. USA-