My Mom just became 100% Deaf - help? :-)


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Jan 31, 2008
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In July my Mom of 57 yrs became suddenly deaf- My younger brother died suddenly (from using Ambien sleep medicine) and then within 2 weeks my Mom became 100% deaf.

The doctors say she has some rare brain virus.

Now were trying to get her covered with SSI to help her pay the bills.
She was forced to stop working as she became ill with extreme vertigo. She often wakes up around 4am and vomits for 1 hour. Driving to doctors appointments we need to bring a vomit bag :) Pure Joy!!

Does anyone have any experience with SSI Disability? Im trying to get my Mom setup so I can move on with my life. I had to leave my wife in China to come live with my Mom, which I am happy to do. But I also have a wife and children to take care of and my Mom refuses to leave the USA.

Any help, ideas, suggestions would be wonderful!!!

We live in Santa Cruz, CA. USA-

~Matt~ :fingersx:
Hi. My name is Steph and I am on disability, the best thing I can tell you, if you want it done as fast as possible, is to get a lawyer that deals with disability and let them take over. I had to apply 2 different times and really fight to get my disability and when I told them that if they denied me the 2nd time I was getting a well known local lawyer and let him loose on that office and they quickly turned around and passed my disability after that. I am on disability due to depression and a really nasty wreck that left me on a breathing machine at night called a cpap and needing knee replacements within the next couple of years. so all I can tell you is to "lawyer up" and good luck!

In July my Mom of 57 yrs became suddenly deaf- My younger brother died suddenly (from using Ambien sleep medicine) and then within 2 weeks my Mom became 100% deaf.

The doctors say she has some rare brain virus.

Now were trying to get her covered with SSI to help her pay the bills.
She was forced to stop working as she became ill with extreme vertigo. She often wakes up around 4am and vomits for 1 hour. Driving to doctors appointments we need to bring a vomit bag :) Pure Joy!!

Does anyone have any experience with SSI Disability? Im trying to get my Mom setup so I can move on with my life. I had to leave my wife in China to come live with my Mom, which I am happy to do. But I also have a wife and children to take care of and my Mom refuses to leave the USA.

Any help, ideas, suggestions would be wonderful!!!

We live in Santa Cruz, CA. USA-

~Matt~ :fingersx:

Document, document, document! And if they turn her down the first time, definately get an attorney. Don't try to appeal on your own, even though they tell you that you can. It will only drag the process out. The Social Security Administration are not the easiest people to deal with (an understatement!) so be prepared to get aggravated from time to time. Just keep pushing forward and don't let them annoy you so much that you give up.

I am very sorry to hear of all the difficulties your family is experiencing.
I am sorry about your mother and loss of your brother. Yes SSI, it is not easy to get it so apply anyway and they will send her to tests alike hearing test and among other stuffs. If they turned down, then apply again and they will turn her down again then get a SS lawyer. It took my husband 4 years and finally went to see a SS judge with his lawyer present. He finally got it. Your mother is over 50 so it should be not too hard.

In July my Mom of 57 yrs became suddenly deaf- My younger brother died suddenly (from using Ambien sleep medicine) and then within 2 weeks my Mom became 100% deaf.

The doctors say she has some rare brain virus.

Now were trying to get her covered with SSI to help her pay the bills.
She was forced to stop working as she became ill with extreme vertigo. She often wakes up around 4am and vomits for 1 hour. Driving to doctors appointments we need to bring a vomit bag :) Pure Joy!!

Does anyone have any experience with SSI Disability? Im trying to get my Mom setup so I can move on with my life. I had to leave my wife in China to come live with my Mom, which I am happy to do. But I also have a wife and children to take care of and my Mom refuses to leave the USA.

Any help, ideas, suggestions would be wonderful!!!

We live in Santa Cruz, CA. USA-

~Matt~ :fingersx:

Go to SS building and just apply for SSDI.. SS will check with her doctor and also will send other doctor to test on her.... all she needs is her work.. how long.... and ss numbers...
Document, document, document! And if they turn her down the first time, definately get an attorney. Don't try to appeal on your own, even though they tell you that you can. It will only drag the process out. The Social Security Administration are not the easiest people to deal with (an understatement!) so be prepared to get aggravated from time to time. Just keep pushing forward and don't let them annoy you so much that you give up.

I am very sorry to hear of all the difficulties your family is experiencing.

SSA did not turn me down because of my doctor s order.. plus SSA sent three different doctors... it showed i am unable to work...
SSA did not turn me down because of my doctor s order.. plus SSA sent three different doctors... it showed i am unable to work...

You don't have to answer this if you don't want, but were you over 50 when you applied? That really helps. Under 50, they automatically turn down the first application for SSDI.

You are one of the lucky ones. But they do give most people a hard time. I'm glad it wasn't so hard for you.
I am sorry about your mother and loss of your brother. Yes SSI, it is not easy to get it so apply anyway and they will send her to tests alike hearing test and among other stuffs. If they turned down, then apply again and they will turn her down again then get a SS lawyer. It took my husband 4 years and finally went to see a SS judge with his lawyer present. He finally got it. Your mother is over 50 so it should be not too hard.

I agree with you, Jazzy. Anyway, :welcome: to AllDeaf forum, Forestcall! I want to say I am sorry about what happen to your mom losing all of her hearing becoming deaf and the loss of your brother. That is terrible that the viruses had affected them. That is right that your mom have to take a hearing test from an audiologist to prove to the Social Security Administration that she is deaf and also a statement from the Doctor that she is really sick and very deaf. Make sure she has her own Social Security number before applying for the Social Security Income (SSI) or if she had worked before she got the virus, it depends on how many years she worked and she will get the Social Security Disability Income(SSDI). If she gets turn down or rejected, then get a good lawyer that will help her get the disability fund. She needs it so that she can take care of herself and try to get some help from the Deaf organization along with ASL or sign language that will help her understand what is going on. Everything will be new to her and if she is willing to go through learning all the new signs and getting an interpreter that will help her cope whatever she needs. Also there are door light signaler, phone light signaler with a small teletype machine (TTY) so that you can type into words on Relay Service for the Deaf to the hearing people or if you have a deaf friend to call directly, bed vibator or wake up light signaler. You can talk to the Counselor at the California Hearing Society about all the things that she needs and how to meet her cost of getting settle in her new deaf life. We have Deaf communities, Deaf clubs, National Association for the Deaf (NAD) which is a meeting conference to discuss about getting our Deaf rights, Deaf bowling team and social, Deaf camping for Deaf Adults. We are all very use to be Deaf and we love being Deaf and love to use ASL because it is easier to understand visual in Sign Language better than lipreading. Talk to all of us here if you have any questions and talk about whatever you and your mom have in mind. Don't be shy, because we will be right here for you both. So welcome aboard!!! :h5:
I feel that your mom does not deserve to get SSI, because of what you said;
Now were trying to get her covered with SSI to help her pay the bills.
Let's make all hearing people put the cotton in their ear to become deaf, so they can apply SSI to pay the bills. COOL? :ugh3:
I feel that your mom does not deserve to get SSI, because of what you said;

Let's make all hearing people put the cotton in their ear to become deaf, so they can apply SSI, and pay the bills. COOL? :ugh3:

Oh come on, let's give the mom a break. It's not like she became deaf on purpose.

If all hearing people are trying to get to be deaf on purpose, that's another thing but to become deaf due to virus, accidents, so and on - that'd be understandable and necessary.

Forestcall - Welcome to AllDeaf. Like everyone here has said, documents and building evidences are what you need to get. There will be series of hassles dealing with the Social Security but don't let that get to you. It is easier said than done. Good Luck and do keep us updated. :)
Oh come on, let's give the mom a break. It's not like she became deaf on purpose.

If all hearing people are trying to get to be deaf on purpose, that's another thing but to become deaf due to virus, accidents, so and on - that'd be understandable and necessary.

Forestcall - Welcome to AllDeaf. Like everyone here has said, documents and building evidences are what you need to get. There will be series of hassles dealing with the Social Security but don't let that get to you. It is easier said than done. Good Luck and do keep us updated. :)

I understand what you mean, but come on... that person said "use SSI to pay bills." That's the most ridiculous thing I ever seen. Do you like to see people who use SSI to pay bills, which is coming from your paychecks (through the tax process) instead of using SSI to survive, or their needs.
I understand what you mean, but come on... that person said "use SSI to pay bills." That's the most ridiculous thing I ever seen. Do you like to see people who use SSI to pay bills, which is coming from your paychecks (through the tax process) instead of using SSI to survive, or their needs.

I get what you're saying. Most of us are able to get a job but in this situation, The mom's 57 years old and just suddenly became deaf without a warning. That alone is a life changing event. She would need it to pay the bills, food, clothings and shelter. Without it, She wouldn't be able to survive alone on what she has now. Paying bills is part of your survival because you need to pay the water, electric, heating gas and other stuffs as well.
since when is not paying bills last time i checked most ppl needed electricity, hydro/water, pay their MORTGAGE to be able to live in their house, i dont think he's just tkn bout sum cell phone bill or magazine subscriptions...don't be so bitter and quick to judge someone..u dont fully know their situation so don't be so negative..
I feel that your mom does not deserve to get SSI, because of what you said;

Let's make all hearing people put the cotton in their ear to become deaf, so they can apply SSI to pay the bills. COOL? :ugh3:

That is very judgemental. This woman suddenly became deaf after years of beinghearing, and it is a huge adjustment for her while she learns to cope. Part of that is learning to use accommodations that will allow her to work in the same capacity that she did prior to loosing her hearing. If you were to suddenly loose both of your legs, would you not require assistance in your adjustment period?
That is very judgemental. This woman suddenly became deaf after years of beinghearing, and it is a huge adjustment for her while she learns to cope. Part of that is learning to use accommodations that will allow her to work in the same capacity that she did prior to loosing her hearing. If you were to suddenly loose both of your legs, would you not require assistance in your adjustment period?

Judgemental? Please expand it more?
You cannot compare that to deaf. Deaf people can do anything except hear by IKJ. :cool:
I understand what you mean, but come on... that person said "use SSI to pay bills." That's the most ridiculous thing I ever seen. Do you like to see people who use SSI to pay bills, which is coming from your paychecks (through the tax process) instead of using SSI to survive, or their needs.

At her age at 57, I do support her to apply SSDI. For example young Deaf healthy people age between 18 to 45 years old, they should NOT apply or collect SSDI or SSA or SSI. They should go to work to save our tax deduciable from our paychecks.
Judgemental? Please expand it more?
You cannot compare that to deaf. Deaf people can do anything except hear by IKJ. :cool:

Yes, they can. But if theysuddenly become deaf after 57years of hearing, they have to have time to live and work as a deaf person. And I can compare it to deaf. If you suddenly lost your legs you would have to adjust to it, and someone who suddenly looses their hearing must adjust, as well.
:welcome: to AD!

Everyone had great advice! Hope your mom is doing ok. :)
To save you time and money, get a lawyer who does Social Security. SSI and SSDI do not work together, remember that. They never want to look through your information, your medical, etc...They have told me they have found no information of me being deaf...yes, they overlooked it and they sure don't know how to read...they don't always do their job. Their famous word of saying no to people and let alot of people down--it is what they love doing.

Getting a lawyer is quicker way to get the job done than to waste time with the office. It may cost money to get a lawyer but in my case if I win the case, the lawyer gets one fourth, if I lose the case, it was free of charge. Your lawyer will need proof of her illness and all medical record. Your lawyer will care about your mother's percent of illness and the person she have become, the social security never look into it or ever cared. I have been through that before.

Good luck, hopefully it goes well and I pray for your mother. Welcome to AD.