How long, would you say, it took you from CC phone to no CC phone?
Fuzzy - My apologizes for the EXTREMELY late reply! I want to say it was about 2 months after activation that I started not using my CC phone at work (or the CC app on my cellphone). What's crazy is I wear over-the-ear Bose headset to talk on and before with HA's, I couldn't understand speech at all! I had a neckloop that finally gave out and although I haven't gotten to really use it with my CI, I can say without question it will be far better than the Bose headset. Overall my experience has been very positive. I still have my struggles, but the improvement the CI gave me over my HA's are crazy. When I take my CI off and have only my HA on, it's insane how much more challenging it is to hear.
To update my last post, I didn't get the results I asked for but my speech understand-ability was around 95% in quiet environment and with background noise, 60%. I go again on 7/27 for another round of testing and I will request a dated % of each test so I can show my progress.