Have you tried using a blow dryer to dry the aid out?
I dropped my aid in a small pool of water once and used a blow dryer to fix it.
Lucky for me it worked!
If that doesnt work a local audiologist can possibly put it in the dehumidifier and see if they can get the water out and working again.
I had to do that too. They are really tough things. I wore my Unitron's for 14 years. Also clean the battery holder with rubbing alcohol on a q-tip. Sometimes that works.
Shel - tinnitus and headaches are common when you stop wearing hearing aids. aleve is great for headaches. Just be careful that you don't take too much meds, they give rebound headaches.
I hope you find a wonderful audie. When my favorite one left to become a Director of Audiology in Flordia, the next one just wanted to sell me more aids. Very difficult to find a good one. You might want to deal with the local hositpal's audiology instead of just an office. That way if you need other test, it is all under one roof.