My hearing aid broke

Have you tried using a blow dryer to dry the aid out?
I dropped my aid in a small pool of water once and used a blow dryer to fix it.
Lucky for me it worked!

If that doesnt work a local audiologist can possibly put it in the dehumidifier and see if they can get the water out and working again.

I had to do that too. They are really tough things. I wore my Unitron's for 14 years. Also clean the battery holder with rubbing alcohol on a q-tip. Sometimes that works.

Shel - tinnitus and headaches are common when you stop wearing hearing aids. aleve is great for headaches. Just be careful that you don't take too much meds, they give rebound headaches.

I hope you find a wonderful audie. When my favorite one left to become a Director of Audiology in Flordia, the next one just wanted to sell me more aids. Very difficult to find a good one. You might want to deal with the local hositpal's audiology instead of just an office. That way if you need other test, it is all under one roof.
Perhaps, you're becoming too dependent on your hearing aid?

I gotta admit, yes I am very dependent on them when I am in a non signing environment. Thank god my job is a signing environment so it has been ok going to work without them. I have two students who can use spoken language and my hearing aides help me to catch them talking during class. Yes, they talk a lot without signing so if they are not signing and I dont have my hearing aids, it is hard for me to catch them.

That was how I was trained growing up. I wasnt allowed to leave my hearing aids at home when I go to school. I had a point system for good behavior relating to wearing my hearing aids. Yes, my school and my mom were strict about me wearing them all the time except for going to bed. I will do the blow dryer trick today after I take a shower.

Thanks everyone for the help. The titannus is gone as of now. I noticed that it is at its worst when I am tired or worn out.

I almost flipped when I read this about you. A few years ago, my brother was with his wife to some event at her work and he took his hearing aids out at the table. While the waitresses were clearing the tables, they inadvertently scooped his aids into a cup with coffee left in it. The staff went nuts trying to find the aids and finally did find them. He dried them out and, apparently, worked again after that. When he told me that (a big mistake to do so), I chewed his butt out for doing it. I have never, ever gotten into the shower and wet my hair with my aids in and ALWAYS put my fingers in my ears and feel behind just before getting in to make final sure I don't have them in.

I said all that, shel, to say this: You need to be careful with your hearing aids, my friend. Hope everything works out well for you. :hug:
Skullchick and Lilitania, it is ok about what Kalista said. I personally knew her late husband so we have already established a friendly rapport online so what she said didnt offend me cuz I know that she is a goofy person and didnt mean it to be spiteful. Smile. Thanks for the support.

Kalista, U are silly! LOL!

I got a loaner hearing aid while mine is getting fixed. It helped a lot this week while visiting my family in AZ cuz nobody signs. I didnt have much trouble following the conversations. :)
Skullchick and Lilitania, it is ok about what Kalista said. I personally knew her late husband so we have already established a friendly rapport online so what she said didnt offend me cuz I know that she is a goofy person and didnt mean it to be spiteful. Smile. Thanks for the support.

Kalista, U are silly! LOL!

I got a loaner hearing aid while mine is getting fixed. It helped a lot this week while visiting my family in AZ cuz nobody signs. I didnt have much trouble following the conversations. :)

Yes, my beloved husband were roommated with Shel90's husband. We personally know each other for several years. We usually pick on each other. Skullchick and Lilitania Light up ! ;)

I love to pick on my friends that I know them.